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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 17, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Approval of Claims <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Claims Roster as presented. <br />Approve Application for Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for Family Pathways <br />Family Pathways, 6413 Oak Street, North Branch, had applied for a Lawful Gambling Permit to <br />hold raffles during a Sporting Clay Benefit to support Family Pathways. The benefit would be <br />held at Wild Wings of Oneka on Friday, September 29, 2017. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for the Sporting Clay Benefit on September 29, <br />2017. <br />Approve Resolution Approving an Encroachment Agreement for 13546 Fiona Cir. N. <br />Nathan Matchey, 13456 Fiona Circle North, had applied for an encroachment agreement to allow <br />construction of a 260 square foot accessory structure to be located within a drainage and utility <br />easement on the property. Staff found the structure would have no negative impacts on the <br />drainage or utilities located in the easement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />RESOLUTION 2017-24 APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR <br />NATHAN MATCHEY TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE <br />WITHIN A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />13546 FIONA CIRCLE NORTH. <br />Approve Proposal to Update the Alternative Urban Areawide Review for Everton Avenue <br />In January, 2002, the Council had adopted the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Final Alternative <br />Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) as part of the Everton Avenue Neighborhood Study. Minnesota <br />Rules 4410.3610, Subd. 7, requires the document to be reviewed and updated every five years until <br />all development in the study area has received final approval. The AUAR was updated in the spring <br />of 2007 and 2012, and staff informed Council it was time to update the AUAR again. If the AUAR <br />expires, any development within the AUAR area that requires an environmental review would need <br />to complete a separate Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the proposal from WSB Engineering to update the AUAR and provide it for agency <br />review. <br />Update on the 2040 Comprehensive Plan <br />Over the last few months there have been open houses, workshops and Commission meetings, on <br />the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Planner Rachel Juba reviewed the six meetings held to date. She <br />stated she felt the process was going very well, and there had been good participation. No <br />significant issues had been raised, and they are still looking for feedback. <br />Juba talked about the eastern rural planning workshop held June 13, 2017, to discuss areas <br />outside of the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA). Attendees were asked to fill out <br />comment sheets and rate preferences. A majority of response were in favor of keeping the ten <br />acre minimum parcel size, thought the City should consider a cluster ordinance and plan for no <br />