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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 7,2017 <br /> Page 2 of 7 <br /> from White Bear Lake and recently moved with his family to Hugo. Josh said he likes living and <br /> working in Hugo and currently works the evening shift. The Council welcomed Josh to Hugo. <br /> Washington County Sheriffs Recognition of PAWS Veterinarian Michelle Beck <br /> Washington County Sheriff Dan Starry recognized PAWS Doctor Michelle Beck for all the time <br /> she has donated to their K9 Unit. Starry spoke of Beck's generosity to the Sheriff's Office over <br /> the last seven year providing quality care to the K-9 unit. Michelle was in attendance with her <br /> staff In appreciation, the department presented her a shadow box made by a former commander. <br /> There were several deputies in attendance with six of their canine partners. <br /> Mayor Weidt called for a short recess and resumed the meeting at 7:22 p.m. <br /> Washington County Sheriffs Office Annual Report— Sheriff Dan Starry <br /> Sheriff Dan Starry, who recently replaced Sheriff William Hutton, presented the 2016 <br /> Washington County Sheriff s Office Annual Report. He stated that he has been with the <br /> Sheriff s Office since 1993 and has held several positions. He introduced Chief Deputy Brian <br /> Mueller saying Brian has been a great asset to the Sheriffs Office. Starry talked about the <br /> contract with Hugo and the eight deputies who serve the City at a cost of approximately $67 per <br /> capita. Starry talked about the investigator position that was added to the contract in May and <br /> filled by Detective Joe Zerwas. Statistics were provided on the different types of crimes <br /> focusing on distracted and impaired drivers, opioid abuse, human trafficking, and other internet <br /> crimes. The Sheriffs office now has a Community Engagement Unit, and several members of <br /> the department had recently attended several National Night Out events in Hugo. Starry thanked <br /> the Council for their cooperation and continued support. <br /> Update from Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron <br /> Commission Miron was in attendance and provided an update on activities at Washington <br /> County. He stated that Sheriff Starry has full support of the Board and the transition was <br /> seamless. Miron talked about the road work within the County and explained the Board was <br /> going through the budget process and dealing with additional mandates that are not sufficiently <br /> funded. The Washington County Board will have their first hearing Tuesday, August 8, 2017 on <br /> the budget process. <br /> Seizure Smart Community—Michelle Maxwell from the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota <br /> Michelle Maxwell from the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota provided information on the <br /> organization and shared with Council how the City of Hugo could become a Seizure Smart <br /> Community. The foundation focuses on education, connecting and empowering those with <br /> seizures, and they partner with cities to provide resources and support for the public. Michelle <br /> talked about the draft Seizure Smart work plan and stressed the importance of education. They <br /> are currently working with 22 other communities across the state and eastern North Dakota but <br /> have not done a lot within the metro area. She asked for Council's support in moving forward. <br />