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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE EDA MEETING OF <br /> MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 , 2008 <br /> 3. Approval of Minutes for EDA meeting of August 18,2008 <br /> City staff recommends that the EDA approve the minutes for the August 18 2008 EDA <br /> meeting as presented. <br /> 4. Sertino's Cafe <br /> Staff has invited Mickey Michlitch, owner of Sertino's Cafe, to come to the EDA <br /> meeting to talk about his new business in town. Staff recommends that the EDA welcome <br /> Sertino's as a new business in Hugo. <br /> 5. Hugo Commons Consideration of TIF Agreement <br /> Bill Lentsch and Dale Dockendorf(Development Partners Hugo LLC) have a purchase <br /> agreement with the property owners of the former"End Zone" site. They have applied for <br /> site plan approval and Tax Increment Financing (TIF). The EDA will be reviewing the <br /> TIF Agreement at the meeting and staff will provide the EDA with an overview of the <br /> agreement. Staff recommends approval of the TIF Agreement. Staff recommends that the <br /> EDA provide the City Council with a recommendation on whether or not to approve the <br /> agreement. The site plan and TIF Agreement will be on the City Council agenda for <br /> consideration on Monday, September 15, 2008 at 7 pm. <br /> 6. Update on the BR& E Subcommittee <br /> The BR&E Subcommittee has received a number of business profile questionnaires from <br /> businesses in the City. There is a handful that would like to have a business case study or <br /> market study completed on the business, which would be done by a group of college <br /> students free of charge. The subcommittee also has a good idea from the business profiles <br /> on what the first business workshop will be on. The first workshop is expected to be in <br /> October. The subcommittee will be doing site visits to new and existing businesses to <br /> thank them for being a part of Hugo and to find out if there is anything that the City can <br /> help them with. Staff will provide an update on the progress of the committee at the <br /> meeting. <br /> 7. Update on EDA Marketing Work Plan and Promotional Package <br /> Enclosed is the EDA marketing spreadsheet outlining the items that have been completed <br /> and on going items. The EDA should feel free to add any additional items to the <br /> spreadsheet. Staff will update the EDA on the promotional package that went out to 90 <br /> development groups on the downtown redevelopment of Hugo. <br /> 8. Update on Downtown Redevelopment <br /> Staff will update the EDA on the progress of downtown redevelopment projects. <br />