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deal with immediate issues or problems The Task Force reviewed and discussed <br /> discovered during the survey process, the potential projects and developed <br /> without the need to wait for formal new projects. In the end, the Task <br /> analysis of the survey data. Prompt Force established and adapted four <br /> attention to issues raised, even when priority projects. These priority projects <br /> the issues may be intractable, creates a are featured in this report. <br /> positive response from survey <br /> participants and builds good will. Following the Task Force Retreat, the <br /> individual project committees met to <br /> Research Report Development discuss methods for implementing the <br /> projects. Lisa Hinz, University of <br /> The BR&E Leadership Team sent Minnesota Extension, helped provide <br /> copies of the surveys to the University of leadership at this follow-up meeting. <br /> Minnesota for tabulation and analysis. The project committees will continue to <br /> A summary of the data was prepared for meet. If you have ideas, time, or other <br /> the January 7, 2010 state research talents to contribute to these projects, <br /> review meeting, where a team of fifteen please contact one of the people listed. <br /> individuals (listed later in this report) Your participation would be appreciated. <br /> reviewed the results and suggested <br /> projects that might respond to the People in the Hugo BR&E <br /> businesses' needs. Brigid Tuck then Program <br /> prepared the Research Report based on <br /> the input of the state research review <br /> panel as well as economic development Leadership Team <br /> expertise. Overall Coordinator- Rachel Simone, <br /> The Research Report identifies four City of Hugo <br /> overarching strategies that Hugo could Associate Overall Coordinator- Shayla <br /> adopt to address general issues <br /> reported by the businesses. The Syverson, City of Hugo <br /> Research Report then provides a list of <br /> potential projects under each of these Business Resource Coordinator- Beth <br /> Jameston, Department of Employment <br /> strategies. The Task Force has the <br /> knowledge of the community and what and Economic Development <br /> projects are suited locally. The potential <br /> projects are only suggestions for the Milestone Meeting Coordinator- Pat <br /> community to consider. Nygaard, Hugo Community Leader <br /> Task Force Retreat Visitation Coordinator- Galen Carlson, <br /> Hugo Business Owner <br /> A five-hour Task Force retreat was held <br /> on February 8, 2010 in Hugo. At this Media Coordinator- Deb Barnes, The <br /> retreat, the Task Force was presented Citizen Newspaper <br /> the Research Report. The presentation Hugo BR&E Task Force <br /> included an overview of the Hugo and <br /> Washington County economy and <br /> demographic changes, the composite Many community leaders participated as <br /> results of the business surveys, and the Task Force members. This group <br /> four strategies. visited businesses, addressed warning <br /> flag issues, set priorities for action and <br /> will assist in implementing the chosen <br /> ©2010 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. <br />