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Commissioner Denaway asked about the cost per square foot to construct the building. <br /> The development team stated approximately $150 per square foot. <br /> Commissioner Granger, who is on a temporary leave, was in the audience and stated that <br /> event space does not have a lot of cash flow, but maybe the shell can be constructed and <br /> the build outs can be sold. This will need to move quick since the bridge construction <br /> across I-35E is almost complete. <br /> Commission Klein asked the development team what their biggest hurtle has been. The <br /> development team stated the location has been struggle, but they feel the area and <br /> location has high potential. Commissioner Arcand asked if free land would bring a <br /> restaurant to this location. The development team stated that free land does have an <br /> impact, but a public/private partnership may be more enticing. EDA President Miron <br /> stated that the purchase agreement assumes the City will be a partner is some way, <br /> whether is TIF or a reduction of the purchase price. He stated that this issue will need <br /> further discussion. Commissioner Granger and Miron stated that would involve <br /> presenting numbers as to what the cost would be to the City. There would need to be <br /> discussions with the Finance Director and discussion on the administration. <br /> The EDA stated that they appreciated the work and innovation the development team has <br /> been doing for the property. <br /> Graff made a motion, seconded by Bever, to extend the purchase agreement for one year. <br /> All aye. Motion carried. <br /> DISCUSSION ON FLEXIBLE OFFICE SPACE <br /> Graff made a motion, seconded by Klein, to table this item until the next meeting. <br /> All aye. Motion carried. <br /> DISCUSSION ON COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES <br /> The EDA reviewed the draft commercial and industrial design guidelines. The EDA <br /> discussed four sided architecture and wanted to ensure that buildings that were close <br /> together and sides of buildings that are not easily seen have flexibility on four sided <br /> design. Staff stated that as long as the architectural elements are wrapped around the <br /> building and designed properly there is some flexibility. The guidelines allow flexibility <br /> for industrial buildings in regards to areas with loading docks that may already be <br /> screened with berms or landscaping. Commissioner Puleo asked about flexibility on <br /> specialty types of operations that are allowed in commercial districts, for example <br /> greenhouses. Staff stated that most specialty types of businesses are only allowed with a <br /> conditional use permit and staff would work with the applicant at that time on meeting <br /> the guidelines. In the case of greenhouses, the intent of Section 90-256 Plant Nurseries is <br /> to allow landscaping plants, shrubs, and trees, to be grown as an agricultural activity. <br /> DISCUSSION ON TAX ABATEMENT <br />