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BACKGROUND MEMO FOR THE EDA MEETING OF <br /> TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10,2013 <br /> 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Staff recommends approval of the minutes from the August 13, 2013, EDA Meeting as <br /> presented. <br /> 4. GUSSET DESIGN <br /> Staff has invited Craig Benson, the new owner of Gusset Design to the EDA meeting. <br /> Mr:"Benson has been asked to talk about the business and his backround. Staff <br /> recommends the EDA welcome Mr. Benson as a new business owner in Hugo. <br /> 5. DISCUSSION ON MARKETING RFQ <br /> On August 21, 2013, staff sent out the RFQ to the top 25 commercial real estate brokers <br /> in Minnesota for marketing the City owned property in downtown. The RFQ are due on <br /> September 30, 2013. Staff will include the submitted proposals in the October EDA <br /> packet for the EDA to review and to direct staff on which applicant(s) to invite in for an <br /> interview. <br /> 6. DISCUSSION ON MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. PROPOSAL TO UPDATE <br /> THE DOWNTOWN MARKET STUDY <br /> At its August 19, 2013, meeting the City Council authorized staff to enter into a contract <br /> with Maxfield Research Inc. to update the Downtown Market Study. The update to the <br /> study is to be complete within 90 days. Staff will have a meeting with representatives <br /> from Maxfield Research Inc. soon to start the update process. Staff will continue to <br /> update the EDA on the progress. <br /> 7. UPDATE ON WASHINGTON COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br /> WORKGROUP <br /> Staff will be attending the Washington County Economic Development Workgroup <br /> meeting on Monday, September 9, 2013. This is the first meeting where the <br /> representatives from Springsted will be attending and the start of the analysis on what the <br /> County's role should be in economic development. Staff will update the EDA at the <br /> meeting. <br /> 8. UPDATE ON DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT <br /> Staff will update the EDA on downtown redevelopment. <br />