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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 16,2017 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> Approve Appointment of Kim Luchsin2er and Matthew Derr to the Planning Commission <br /> On October 2, 2017, the Council interviewed three individuals for two vacancies on the Planning <br /> Commission due to the resignation of Chantell Knauss and Bob Rosenquist this past June. <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointment of Kim Luchsinger and Matthew <br /> Derr as new members of the Planning Commissions with terms to expire on December 31, 2018 <br /> and December 31, 2020 respectively. <br /> Update on Hopkins Schoolhouse—History Intern Olivia Schiffman <br /> History Intern Oliva Schiffman provided Council an update on the Hopkins schoolhouse, located <br /> at 5970 170th Street North, beginning with a brief history on the structure. The schoolhouse was <br /> built in 1927 on land donated to the school district by the Hopkins family. The district changed <br /> multiple times ending in the Forest Lake School District. It served as an ungraded one room <br /> elementary school, teaching Grades 1-6 until it was closed in the spring of 1962. After that, it <br /> was used as the Oneka Town Hall in the late sixties and early seventies, and more recently was <br /> used by the boy scouts as a youth center in the early 2000s. Olivia spoke about the open house <br /> held on September 8, 2017, where approximately 33 people attended to provide input on what <br /> the future of the structure should be. Oliva explained the City received an$8,000 Legacy Grant <br /> through the State of Minnesota and the MN Historical Society to hire a contractor to come out <br /> and evaluate the historic value of the schoolhouse. The City could then be eligible for more <br /> grants for an in-depth analysis on the building and possible inclusion on the National Register of <br /> Historic Places. If it's not seen as historical on a national level, the City could seek money <br /> through the Legacy Grant to preserve it on a local level. City Administrator Bryan Bear added <br /> that the Historical Commission will be making a recommendation to the Council in the future <br /> concerning options for the future of the schoolhouse. <br /> Discussion on MN Department of Health-Advancing Safe and Sustainable Water Reuse in <br /> Minnesota <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear informed Council the MN Department of Health had released a <br /> draft report regarding water reuse in Minnesota. The City has been using stormwater reuse tools, <br /> and there has been some difficulty getting these projects through. The MN Legislature had <br /> recently removed the appropriation permit process with the DNR to allow reuse project without <br /> requiring their extensive process first. State agencies have been grappling with how to regulate <br /> these activities, and an interagency work group had been formed with its primary objective to <br /> eliminate barriers. WSB Engineering had provided Council their review on the report, and Bear <br /> explained there was an opportunity for the Council to provide comments to the state agencies <br /> and legislature on this issue as well. <br /> City Engineer Mark Ericson explained the Minnesota Legislature directed the Minnesota <br /> Department of Health to"prepare a comprehensive study of and recommendations for regulatory and <br /> non-regulatory approaches to water reuse for use in the development of state policy for water reuse in <br /> Minnesota,"with funding through the Clean Water Fund of the Clean Water, Land and Legacy <br /> Amendment. The MN Department of Health had completed its final draft of the report on <br /> Advancing Safe and Sustainable Water Reuse in Minnesota. He talked about the group's main <br /> objectives: to define successful implementation of water reuse; identify current conditions that <br />