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Agenda Number G3 <br />CITY OF HUGO COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT <br />PLANNING AND ZONING <br />APPLICATION STAFF REPORT <br />TO: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />FROM: Rachel Leitz, Community Development Assistant <br />SUBJECT: Brian & Eugenia Sjerven — Variance from the size regulations for an <br />accessory building located at 14496 Geneva Ave. N. <br />DATE: November 13, 2017 for the City Council Meeting on November 20, 2017 <br />ZONING: Single Family Detached Residential (R-3) <br />REVIEW DEADLINE: December 3, 2017 <br />1. BOARD OF ZONING UPDATE: <br />At its November 9, 2017 meeting the Board considered the request and held a public hearing. Staff <br />provided background on the request and recommended approval. There was no one that spoke <br />during the public hearing. The Board agreed that the request met the criteria necessary to approve <br />the variance and recommended approval of the resolution for the variance request to the City <br />Council. <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: <br />The applicant is requesting a variance from the size requirements for an accessory building to <br />allow a total size of 540 square feet where 260 square feet is allowed by ordinance. The applicant <br />is proposing to construct a 280 square foot addition onto an already existing 260 square foot <br />accessory structure. The property is approximately 1.2 acres, located within the Single Family <br />Detached Residential (R-3) zoning district, and is allowed one accessory structure for a total <br />combined size of 260 square feet. For properties with a size of 1.5 acres, the Code allows up to a <br />maximum of two accessory structures with a maximum combined size of 1,500 square feet. <br />3. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: <br />The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed <br />project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a higher level of <br />discretion with a variance because the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they meet <br />the standards in the ordinance. <br />