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Sjerven Variance <br />Page 3 <br />existing accessory structure, which will be out of view from the adjacent properties to the <br />east. <br />c. Character ofNei,-hborhood. The variance, ifgranted, will not alter the essential <br />character of the neighborhood. <br />Accessory buildings are common within this neighborhood and are allowed in the R-3 <br />zoning district. Generally, the development has .25 acre properties, however, there are a <br />variety of lot sizes adjacent to Egg Lake, which allows a mixture of accessory structure <br />sizes within the area. The applicant is proposing to locate the addition on the west side of <br />the existing structure, which will not be noticeable to the closest adjacent properties to the <br />east. The 280 additional square feet on the applicant's current accessory building would <br />not noticeably alter the character of the area. <br />(3) Spirit and Intent. The granting of the variance would be in keeping with the spirit and <br />intent of this chapter and with the policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />Accessory structures are common in the R-3 zoning district. The intent of the ordinance is to allow <br />a property owner to have a reasonably sized accessory building on the property and to regulate the <br />square footage of accessory buildings based on the size of the property. This prevents accessory <br />structures from dominating the appearance of the property. <br />The property is 1.2 acres and is allowed, by Code, one accessory structure at 260 square feet. A <br />property of 1.5 acres is allowed two accessory structures with a maximum combined size of 1,500 <br />square feet. The proposed accessory building addition is relatively small and because of the <br />applicant's large lot, the development layout, and the natural landscape, the accessory building <br />would not dominate the appearance of the property. It is the staff's opinion that the proposed <br />accessory building would be keeping with the spirit and intent of the ordinance. <br />(4) Prohibited Use. The variance, if granted, shall not have the effect of allowing any use <br />prohibited in the district. <br />Accessory structures are a permitted use in the R-3 zoning district. <br />(S) Hazard Consideration. The variance, if granted, shall not permit a lower degree of flood <br />protection than required by this chapter. The variance shall be determined the minimum <br />necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief, and the variance shall not be issued <br />within any designated regulatory floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood <br />discharge would result. <br />The property is not located within a FEMA designated floodplain. <br />(6) Septic and Well Compliance. The sewage treatment system and water system of the subject <br />property is in compliance with city and state codes. <br />The property is served by municipal sewer and water. <br />