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2017.12.04 CC Packet
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2017.12.04 CC Packet
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11/30/2017 4:03:58 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 20, 2017 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />there would be enough water to accommodate the development. Leitz stated the developer could <br />answer the questions regarding the types of construction, and City Engineer Mark Erichson <br />stated the water use would be allowed by the appropriations permit. <br />Developer Len Pratt was present and introduced Dave Hempel from Westwood Planning and <br />Steve Bona from Capstone Homes. <br />Hempel talked about the medium density and the wetlands which penalized them with property <br />that can't be developed. They would need to proceed with the PUD process to make it work. <br />The parkland has a unique ecosystem with a significant wetland complex, and there should be <br />passive uses. He addressed the ten villa homes in the south east corner and felt it would make <br />better sense to have it be parkland. He stated they were receptive to an irrigation system. <br />Bona from Capstone Homes shared photos of the product types and provided information on <br />pricing, stating the market is looking pretty good. AI P`A%onh� n "16 Hh"Up <br />Petryk asked how the homeowner's association was structured and if there would be an <br />architectural review committee. Bona stated the villa home products have snow and lawn <br />maintenance service, and the single family homes would not have any services. There will be <br />architectural requirements, and a thorough set of covenants, which they would hire a company to <br />oversee. <br />Haas asked if the roads were proposed to be public. Bona stated they were, and private snow <br />removal service would be provided on the driveways and sidewalks. <br />Haas shared his concern with Hempel on the access to the parkland by the residents on the west <br />side and he talked about the City's commitment to stormwater reuse. He asked that <br />consideration be given to have the single family homes on a dual water system to reuse water for <br />irrigation. <br />Weidt agreed with Haas's comments and agreed the ten units to the southeast corner were an <br />oddity. Hempel stated they needed to build that connector road in order for the parcel to the east <br />to develop, and the units would help them recoup some of that cost. Weidt stressed the value of <br />using stormwater. Hempel asked about the availability of stormwater credits, and Erichson <br />stated there were credits to offset their stormwater trunk fees. Weidt asked all areas to have <br />access to the open spaces. <br />Klein, agreed that emphasis needed to be put on reusing water. He stated he liked the overall <br />plan, and the developers have a history of doing a good job. <br />John Waller on the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />Weidt added this to the agenda to allow Rice Creek Watershed District Manager John Waller, <br />14010 Homestead Avenue, to speak. John talked about the $800,000 in annual contributions to <br />the Watershed District throughout Washington County. He stressed the importance of the City's <br />stormwater plan and including in the plan what the City wants from the District. He asked that <br />cities pay attention to the RCWD budget cycle and be aggressive in asking for their money back. <br />
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