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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 6,2017 <br /> Page 5 of 6 <br /> regarding the roundabout, and Juba stated it first needed to be determined if it was warranted <br /> through MnDOT. City Engineer Mark Erichson added that it would be a City led project. <br /> Council talked about the importance of the connection to TH61, stormwater reuse, and synergy <br /> with the properties to the south. <br /> Project Engineer Rich Wilburn, from Kaskaskai Engineering, explained that the roundabout as <br /> shown is conceptual, and its design is complicated by the Industrial Utilities property. The <br /> Lincoln Group has been trying to negotiate with the property owner. He stated they are looking <br /> at reusing stormwater and agreed it made sense to put the fishing dock on the south ridge. He <br /> stated there was not a lot of usable ground, and they are asking for the PUD for flexibility to <br /> make the numbers work. They are still working through some road issues, and the location of <br /> lots are dictated by the lay of the land. He indicated they were open to all comments received. <br /> Discussion on Revisions to City Code Re2ardin2 Small Cell Technolou in ROW <br /> City Administrator Bryan Bear explained there was an amendment to the Minnesota's Right-of- <br /> Way statute effective May 31, 2017, which gives telecommunications (small cell) providers <br /> permitted use of the right-of-way in all zoning districts except historic and residential. As a <br /> result, updates should be made to the City's ROW ordinance per the new amendment, and the <br /> City is also responsible for providing a draft colocation agreement and new permit for small cells <br /> by November 30, 2017. <br /> Intern Sarah Rumppe explained how the new technology complements macro-cell towers with <br /> the use of smaller antennas to boost and enhance the technology. Cities can manage the use of <br /> the right-of-way and charge a fee for using poles in the right-of-way, though the City does not <br /> own most poles. <br /> Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to prepare revisions to the City's right-of <br /> way ordinance. <br /> All ayes. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Yellow Ribbon Network Report <br /> Council Members Haas and Klein reported on the recent activities of the Yellow Ribbon <br /> Network. Haas showed photos of the Fry group and talked about the VFW Auxiliary in White <br /> Bear Lake who helped collect money to aid in the cancer treatment for a two year old, whose <br /> grand uncle is an YRN volunteer. They received "thank-you" cards from the 210 EIS for an <br /> event they sponsored, the 133 Air Wing for a Children's Halloween party the YRN help helped <br /> with, and from KC 10 pilots in Afghanistan for the care packages. The YRN received an <br /> invitation to attend Veteran's Day Remembrance at the Forest Lake High School. General Nash <br /> recognized the Serve Our Troops volunteers and presented the highest civilian award to Haas. <br /> The general's reception on Saturday included Senator Klobuchar. Bob Dettmer, who is the chair <br /> of the House Committee of Veteran Affairs, presented a resolution to General Nash for 45 years <br /> in the military and General John Jensen was sworn in as new adjutant general. The YRN <br /> received an anonymous donation for $500. The YRN helped a couple of families with childcare <br />