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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2017 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />John Waller, 14010 Homestead Avenue North, stated that the City is not asking for enough <br />money from the Watershed District. He noticed the increase in the stormwater levy and noted <br />there will be more homes in Hugo, and the District will be getting more money. Waller stated he <br />will work with the City to get the money to flow back to it. <br />Betty Zuettel, 5164 158th Street North, talked about the increase in the general fund and stated <br />she would be attending the meeting in the spring. She was advised to bring evidence for <br />comparisons such as recent sales data to show their home was overvalued. <br />Larry Spaniol, 5140 158th Street North, stated he never received the property value notice <br />because he just bought the home. He questioned why was there such a dramatic increase, saying <br />it increased by 18.2 %. It was explained that, by law, the assessor changes valuations on a mass <br />basis, using market trends and sales data that is applied broadly. Spaniol's. particular condition <br />may not fit that, and could be appealed. <br />Jon Trevillion, 5435 141 Court North, said he bought his home 15 months ago and loves Hugo <br />but is concerned that someday his home will be valued too high and may become unaffordable. <br />His taxes went up more than his pay, and that is the challenge he and others face. <br />Weidt closed the public hearing. <br />The Council discussed the changes in market values and the importance of paying attention to <br />that and attending the Board of Appeals and Equalization if necessary. They also encouraged <br />residents to apply for the refund programs as applicable. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve RESOLUTION 2017-45 APPROVING THE <br />GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE 2018 FISCAL YEAR. <br />Ayes: Petryk, Klein, Miron, Haas, Weidt <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Miron, RESOLUTION 2017-46 APPROVING FINAL TAX LEVY <br />PAYABLE IN 2018. <br />Ayes: Klein, Haas, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />Nays: None <br />Motion carried. <br />Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported on the Yellow Ribbon <br />Network activities held recently. The 18th Welcome Home Pheasant Hunt was held on <br />December 2nd. The YRN had been invited to attend the 133rd Air Wing recognition ceremony. <br />Approximately a dozen secret santas will be providing gifts. They continue to send care <br />packages, and they received packages from Ryan Companies, who did a community outreach <br />