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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for December 4,2017 <br /> Page 3 of 5 <br /> Approve Pay Request No.1 to Peterson Companies for the Waters Edge Stormwater Reuse <br /> Prosect <br /> Peterson Companies, Inc., had submitted Pay Request No. 1 for work done on the Waters Edge <br /> Stormwater Reuse Project. City Engineer Mark Erichson and Senior Engineering Technician <br /> Steve Duff had reviewed the Pay request and found it satisfactory for work done to date. <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Pay Request to Peterson Companies in the <br /> amount of$313,110. <br /> Public Hearing on City Budget and Tax Lew <br /> State statutes requires the City Council to hold a public hearing on the proposed City budget and <br /> tax levy for the 2018 fiscal year. Finance Director Ron Otkin explained that the date for this <br /> public hearing was chosen in September, and the date was on the notices sent out by Washington <br /> County. <br /> Otkin presented a PowerPoint covering the 2018 budget and tax levy. He provided information <br /> on Local Government Aid, which is distributed based on factors set by the legislature. Hugo is <br /> one of 89 cities that receive no LGA due to the tax rate being too low compared to the statewide <br /> average. Though Hugo received no LGA, its tax rate is still on the low end of the range. He <br /> explained that market values increased in 2017, with the median home increasing 11.2%. Ron <br /> explained the median market value of a home in Hugo is $229,500, and the average Minnesota <br /> tax on a homestead of that value is $951.01. The tax on the same home in Hugo would be <br /> $774.16, 18.6% lower than the average. He explained that the Council has operated on a flat tax <br /> rate, and by keeping the rate the same at 36.294%,he proposed a tax levy of$6,589,302. This <br /> rate is at the low end for cities in Washington County. Ron reviewed the items that made up the <br /> 2018 budget and explained contingency budgeting practices, which assure a balanced budget or <br /> possible surplus, and he recommended Council continuing using it. He explained how a home in <br /> Hugo can be taxed at 13 different tax rates, depending on where it is located. He talked about the <br /> homestead credit refund, special property tax refund, and the senior citizen property tax deferral <br /> program. Otkin concluded by saying the budget satisfies the spending and funding priorities <br /> established by the City Council with the urban tax rate remaining the same. <br /> Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. <br /> Diane and Dan Kirchoffner, 4395 Empress Way North, Unit 2, questioned the increase in their <br /> taxes. It was explained to them the increase in the value of their home would cause their taxes to <br /> increase as well, and if they did not agree with that value it could be disputed at the Board of <br /> Appeals and Equalization meeting in April. In addition, City Assessor Dan Raboin can be <br /> contacted to discuss home values. There was also discussion on the state rebate programs <br /> available. <br /> There was discussion on the Local Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting held every April <br /> and the importance of attending if it was believed their market value was not realistic. <br /> Washington County sends out notices in February/March that states the home value for <br /> following year, and the date of the Local Board of Appeals and Equalization meeting is on that <br /> notice. <br />