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Regional water studies are being finalized that include the City of Hugo. Most <br />importantly, a new DNR groundwater model shows that Hugo's water use does not impact White <br />Bear Lake. Staff participates on many task forces and committees and is involved in regional <br />discussions involving water use. Phil Klein remains as a member of MAWSAC. <br />Fire Department: <br />Ambulance Service. An annual report will be provided to the council in the spring. <br />Staffing. Fire Department leadership will continue expansion of recruitment and <br />retention efforts with the goal of increasing staffing levels. A focus this year will be on methods <br />to bolster daytime staffing <br />CIP. The Fire Chief's primary recommendation involves a long term strategy that would <br />allow for a 1991 pumper/tanker truck to be replaced with a ladder truck when it reaches the end <br />of its 30 -year life cycle. <br />Continue Leadership Development Program. This program has been created by the <br />Fire Chief and allows educational and training opportunities for HFD staff. <br />Continue Grant Application System. The Fire Department has increased their <br />participation in grant programs recently. It is a time intensive process to write grant applications. <br />When successful, grants for the fire services can be substantial. HFD staff expects to continue a <br />focus in this area in 2018. <br />Parks: <br />Recreation programs. The city is continuing to strengthen partnerships on <br />programming for our residents. The staff is continuing work to add new programming for 2018 <br />in collaboration with the new Forest Lake YMCA. A task force created by the White Bear <br />School District to assess the needs of seniors was finished in 2017 and is now being <br />implemented. Some of the larger events created by city staff are now being run by some degree <br />through our partnerships, which creates an ability to provide additional events. <br />Trails. The Parks Commission will focus this year on creating trail connections within <br />Clearwater Creek Preserve. We expect to work with Washington County on planning for a <br />southerly extension of the Hardwood Creek Trail. Many important trail connections are being <br />addressed through our partnerships with the development community. <br />Water Access. The Parks Plan encourages a focus on improving access to the City's <br />water amenities. Work may occur this year on the access to Bald Eagle Lake at 121St Street. <br />Irish Avenue Park. A timeline and vision for Irish Ave Park will be created. <br />Lions Park. The Parks Commission would like to identify revenue sources and next <br />steps for redevelopment of this park. <br />