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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 8,2018 <br /> Page 9 of 11 <br /> Schwieters Concept Plan <br /> Planner Rachel Juba presented a sketch plan for Schwieters Properties, LLP, for a site located on <br /> the southwest corner of 140th Street and Fenway Boulevard. The proposed industrial <br /> development would include a 108,000 square foot manufacturing building, with associated <br /> outdoor storage, a 45,000 square foot warehouse building, a 17,000 square foot office building, <br /> and a 13,000 square foot office building. Development of this site would allow them to expand <br /> into the manufacturing of floor panels and roof trusses. The property totals approximately 30 <br /> acres with 11 acres of wetland throughout the site. The property is zoned Business Park(BP) and <br /> is guided as Business Park(BP) in 2030 Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Juba reviewed with Council the campus style layout showing where the buildings and parking <br /> would be and explaining how development of the site would be phased. The access to the site <br /> would be on the unimproved portion of 140th Street, and cost sharing for the improvements <br /> would need further evaluation. She talked about the applicants need for exterior storage, which <br /> is allowed in the Business Park zoning district; however, it excludes the raw material. She <br /> explained that staff felt there was little distinction between the raw and finished projects in this <br /> case. A zoning code amendment would need to be done to allow this exterior storage and it <br /> would only be allowed by a Conditional Use Permit, which would give the City some discretion. <br /> Juba reviewed the comments from the EDA and Planning Commission stating they were both <br /> comfortable with the plan and exterior storage. Juba asked Council to provide feedback on the <br /> project. <br /> Petryk asked about the raw material storage and questioned if the zoning amendment would go <br /> along with the property should it be sold. Juba replied it would run with the land, and the <br /> amendment needed to be written to consider what was allowed in the zoning district. <br /> Mayor Weidt invited the applicants to speak. <br /> Mike Brass from Colliers International stated he was the commercial broker representing the <br /> Schwieters, and he introduced Eli Rupnow from AMI Engineering, and Mark Wenzel from 292 <br /> Design. He also recognized Pat and Blake Schwieters and Brenda Kunkel from Schwieters <br /> Properties, who were in the audience. Wenzel talked about the plans and process explaining the <br /> screening, truck traffic, and future development of the office buildings. He said they had met the <br /> neighbors to the north who conveyed they wanted to make sure it was safe for pedestrians. Brass <br /> talked about delivery of raw materials, pickup of the final product, building locations, wetlands, <br /> and screening. <br /> Miron said he appreciated the consideration to the neighbors to the north and efforts to screen. <br /> He asked about the parking spaces and employment impacts. Brass replied there would be <br /> roughly 100 employees at full manufacturing and parking would accommodate both shifts at the <br /> same time. Miron stated he was in favor of the zoning amendment and appreciated staff's <br /> attention to making sure the appropriate language was in place. <br /> Petryk asked about use of the rail line, since the track has been improved. Blake Schwieters <br /> stated they would be utilizing the rail more frequently to bring in the raw materials, and <br /> manufactured products would mostly be moved by truck. <br /> Haas had no questions and stated he fully supported the project. <br />