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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for February 5,2018 <br /> Page 5 of 10 <br /> Assessor since February 1, 2015. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of <br /> City Assessor Dan Raboin effective April 30, 2018. <br /> Approval of City Council Focus Goals and On2oin2 Priorities for 2018 <br /> The Council held a Goal Setting Workshop on Tuesday, January 29, 2018 for the purpose of <br /> setting goals and priorities for 2018. City Administrator Bryan Bear had compiled items <br /> discussed during the workshop and reviewed them with the Council explaining the list will <br /> determine the work of staff for the year 2018. <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the Focus Goals and Ongoing Priorities for <br /> 2018 as presented. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Receive Feasibility Study and Set Public Hearing for the Oneka Lake Blvd/Harrow Avenue <br /> Improvement Prolect <br /> At its November 6, 2017, meeting, Council approved the resolution calling for the preparation of <br /> a feasibility study for the Oneka Lake Boulevard& Harrow Avenue improvement project. City <br /> Engineer Mark Erichson provided the Council information on the study beginning with <br /> background on how the City rates roadways and explaining that this was the next highest priority <br /> project. The proposed improvements included reclaiming the existing roadway, subgrade <br /> corrections, and drainage improvements. He provided the two options on the roadway width. <br /> Options were to improve the roadway as existed or widen it by paving the shoulders. He talked <br /> about the future water main and sewer extension, and stated that talks will continue with property <br /> owners that will be impacted. Estimated project cost was $1,180,000 or 1,290,000 if the <br /> roadway is widened. $1,660,000 would be paid through assessments and the remaining through <br /> City funds and state aid. Erichson explained the assessment rates based on the City's policy and <br /> the cost for oversizing the water main. He presented a project schedule showing construction <br /> taking place from June-October, 2018, and the assessment hearing taking place in September, <br /> 2018. <br /> Council asked about the location of the utility extension, and Erichson explained it would be <br /> located within the roadway. Also discussed was the options for the roadway width. One option <br /> would be to pave the existing 24' width, and the other would be to pave at 26' width, which <br /> would provide for I I' feet drive lanes with two foot shoulders on each side. <br /> In response to comments at the neighborhood meeting, Council discussed widening the roadway and <br /> agreed it would help the road edges and increase safety for pedestrians. <br /> Miron made motion, Klein seconded,to approve RESOLUTION 2018—2 RECEIVING THE <br /> FEASIBILITY REPORT AND CALLING FOR THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED <br /> ONEKA LAKE BOULEVARD AND HARROW AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on Comprehensive Plan Draft <br /> Landform Planner Kendra Lindahl presented a draft of Hugo's 2040 Comprehensive Plan to <br />