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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 19,2018 <br /> Page 5 of 7 <br /> to inform the public about and accept comments on the alternatives. Council Member Klein <br /> requested Council take a position on these proposals. <br /> Bear explained the Metropolitan Council Environmental Serves (MCES) has statutory authority <br /> to treat sewage but does not have authority to provide retail water service; this could be seen as <br /> competing with cities. Bear stated he was a member of the task force and shared discussions <br /> they had on whether there should be a regional cost-share, and how MCES should partner with <br /> others. The task force found regional benefits and consensus on most things except the question <br /> of whether there should be a regional cost-share. He provided the three alternatives for cost- <br /> share amendments for consideration stating the Met Council was looking for feedback on them. <br /> He provided information on SKB-E case study and hypothetical regional cost share impacts <br /> under each of the alternatives. <br /> The Council discussed the proposed alternatives and agreed it was important to have community <br /> partnerships. Council generally agreed a policy amendment was consistent with the City's goals <br /> to conserve water, but they were not familiar enough with the policy to select a specific <br /> alternative. <br /> Klein made motion, to direct staff put a letter together recommending full support of a waste <br /> water use policy being developed, supporting it as a concept and open to a regional cost share <br /> program. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion on Street Liahtina in Dellwood Ridge <br /> Staff had received a request from Tom Windisch, Manager of the Dellwood Ridge Home <br /> Owners Association, for the City to pay for electricity and maintenance of the street lights in the <br /> neighborhood. Until now, street lights within the public right-of-way in Dellwood Ridge have <br /> been the responsibility of the neighborhood at a cost that is typically around $212 a month. This <br /> is the only thing the HOA pays for. Staff had researched the history of this development and <br /> found no reason the City should not take on the same responsibility for these lights as the City <br /> does with all other lights located on public streets. Bear explained there are nine decorative lights <br /> in the development that are paid for by the homeowners association, and it is the only <br /> neighborhood in the City like this. The property is platted and the residents do pay the urban tax <br /> rate. <br /> Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the City to make all future payments for the <br /> lights in Dellwood Ridge. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Update on Yellow Ribbon Network <br /> Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein updated the Council on the activities of the Yellow <br /> Ribbon Network to date. Haas began by thanking the Bald Eagle Sportsman Club for sponsoring <br />