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2018.05.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2018 CC Minutes
2018.05.07 CC Minutes
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5/22/2018 3:27:45 PM
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5/22/2018 3:27:31 PM
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 7, 2018 <br />Page 7 of 9 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Approve Schwieters Properties LLP, Final Plat, Text Amendment, Site Plan, and CUP <br /> <br />Schwieters Properties, LLP, had requested approval of a final plat to be known as “Roy Molitor <br />3rd Addition” to create one lot and one outlot at 13676 Fenway Boulevard North. Planner Rachel <br />Juba explained the applicant was also requesting approval of a site plan for a 144,000 square foot <br />manufacturing/warehouse building with associated parking and exterior storage, a Conditional <br />Use Permit for the exterior storage and a Conditional Use Permit for a campus development to <br />allow multiple buildings on one parcel. A zoning text amendment was also required for the <br />exterior storage of raw lumber material stored outside that they will manufacture inside the <br />building. She presented the plans that showed future phases that include additional buildings. <br />Rachel explained the site plan was only for the manufacturing building, and future buildings <br />would require a site plan application to go before the Planning Commission. Staff was still <br />working with the applicant on screening for temporary storage until other building are built. The <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing and considered these requests at their April 26, 2018, <br />meeting. Residents expressed concerns regarding traffic, lighting, and noise. The applicant <br />addressed those concerns and acknowledged there would be more traffic. The Planning <br />Commission had recommended approval of the applications, subject to the conditions listed in the <br />draft resolution, draft ordinance, and conditional use permits. <br /> <br />Klein questioned the cost of putting in temporary screening that will be removed when future <br />building are built. Juba explained that City Code requires exterior storage to be screened, and <br />there is uncertainty when the other buildings will be built. <br /> <br />Mike Brass from Colliers International and Blake Schwieters from JL Schwieters stated they were <br />very excited to be expanding and growing their business in Hugo. <br /> <br />Weidt talked about the improvements of the railroad and how it contributed to the expansion in <br />the industrial park. The stated he appreciated Schwieter’s decision to stay and grow in Hugo. <br /> <br />Haas thanked Schwieters for their generous donation of land for the Habitat for Homes in Hugo. <br /> <br />Weidt granted the request from resident Donald Patrick Jones to speak. He stated he lived in the <br />house just south of 140th Street in the Fenway Place townhomes. He said he realized the land was <br />going to be developed and had no objections; however, he had concerns regarding noise, the four- <br />foot berm, “jake braking”, and possible expansion of 140th to the north making reference to the <br />pumping station, stating if the road was going to be widened, he would like it on the south side. <br /> <br />Juba replied that the four-foot berm on the north side would be five to ten feet wide at the top <br />with condensed plantings with evergreen trees that are six feet in height. She explained the work <br />will be done inside of the buildings, and the overhead doors would be closed, but there may be <br />sound from trucks outside. She stated there should be enough for expansion of the road, and the <br />pump station will not be expanded. <br /> <br />Petryk asked about the two buildings at the north, and Juba stated they were not for <br />manufacturing, which will take place to the south. It was felt the berm would be sufficient since <br />the buildings to the north will be offices, though Juba acknowledged there may be exterior storage <br />behind the office/ware house buildings. <br />
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