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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to direct staff to move forward with filing for amicus status. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Lions Park <br />At their meeting of May 16, 2018, the Parks Commission discussed the current status of the <br />playground at Lions Park. Parks Planner Shayla Denaway talked about the complaints the City <br />had received regarding the condition of the play equipment. Upon recent inspection of the <br />playground, a few safety issues needed to be addressed including removal of a cracked slide and <br />replacement of wooden foot boards. The equipment had been installed in 1998 by volunteers at a <br />cost of approximately $44,000. Immediate hazards have been removed, but it was estimated that <br />the primarily wooden playground equipment had less than a year of safe use left without <br />substantial repairs. The Parks Commission had discussed the frequent use of the playground, the <br />small scale of the current equipment, and having an aggressive timeline to address the issues. The <br />Commission talked about holding a neighborhood meeting in June and installing the equipment in <br />August -September. They also noted that upon redevelopment of Lions Park, the playground <br />equipment could be relocated. The Parks Commission made a recommendation to the City <br />Council to allocate up to $100,000 for replacement of the playground at Lions Park. <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to replace the equipment at Lions Park to not exceed <br />$100,000. <br />Haas suggested the Commission check with WSB Engineers to see they knew of any situation <br />where there was equipment that was being displaced. This could save money and move up the <br />install date. <br />Bear said that, if motion is passed, the City could use park dedication funds specifically allocated <br />for this purpose. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported on the Yellow Ribbon Network activities <br />held recently. Wednesday's Hamburger Night will be sponsored by Mike Devine from Devine's <br />plumbing. A lot of care package requests are coming in for deployed soldiers. The YRN recently <br />sent a shipment of coffee to an Airforce KC 10 refueling crew. They also received a coffee <br />donation from Caribou to be sent to medivac pilots. The 148th Fighter Wing of the MN National <br />Guard is deployed to an undisclosed location, and the Hugo Fire Department and area firefighter <br />special teams sent wish list items to them. YRN volunteers helped with a yard work project for a <br />member of the 148th Fighter Wing. Washington County Veteran Service Office and MN Disabled <br />Veterans will be at Burger Night to provide information to anyone who wants to be a van driver <br />to drive to medical appointments. A request was received from a soldier injured in a car accident, <br />and local volunteers donated $2,000 for medical bills and transportation costs. There was a <br />request for financial assistance to deal with mold in a home and a request from the MN Veteran <br />Assistance Council to support a golf outing. A Youth Hunt was scheduled for September 29, <br />