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A <br />WSB <br />Memorandum <br />G.7 <br />178 East 9" Street, Suite 200 1 St. Paul, MN 55101 1 (651) 286-8450 <br />To: Tom Weidt, Mayor, City of Hugo <br />Hugo City Council <br />CC: Rachel Juba, Planner, City of Hugo <br />Rachel Leitz, Community Development Assistant, City of Hugo <br />Mark Erichson, City Engineer, WSB <br />From: Tony Havranek, Senior Ecologist, WSB <br />Date: May 30, 2018 <br />Re: City Project No. 17.16 <br />WSB Project No. 011371-00 <br />Len Pratt (CPDC Pratt Oakwood Ltd.) is proposing to develop the 120-acre parcel formerly known as the <br />LeRoux Parcel to include 176 single family homes. The development will be named Oneka Place. <br />To accommodate this development, Mr. Pratt is proposing to impact 0.91 acres of wetland. Impacts are <br />to eight (8) separate basins on the property. The remaining wetland on the property is not proposed to be <br />impacted and the eastern 40 acres of the parcel, which contains a significant number of wetlands, is <br />being dedicated to the City. <br />Mr. Pratt is proposing to replace the 0.91 acres of impact to these wetland basins through the purchase of <br />1.82 acres of wetland credit from an existing and approved wetland bank in Hennepin County. <br />Based on my review of the application and supporting documentation, the requirements under the MN <br />Wetland Conservation Act have been met. The Notice of Decision and supporting documentation are <br />attached to this memo. <br />recommend approval of the Oneka Place Joint Application for sequencing flexibility, sequencing, and <br />wetland replacement. <br />If additional information is required I can be contacted at (612)246-9346 or thavranek( <br />Attachments: <br />Notice of Decision for Oneka Place Joint Application <br />Building a legacy — your legacy. <br />Equal Opportunity Employer I <br />K:\011371-000VAdmin\Permits\17.16 Leroux Delin\replacement\Memorandum_HugoCityCouncil_OnekaPLace_053018.docx <br />