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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for May 21, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br /> <br /> <br />The Finance Department had reviewed this request and found it to be financially feasible and <br />consistent with the Pension Fiscal Policy adopted in April, 2012. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda ratified the Board of Trustees’ request for a $200 increase in their lump-sum pension <br />benefit and corresponding change to their by-laws. <br /> <br />Approve Resolutions Approving Oneka Place Preliminary Plat and PUD <br /> <br />CPDC – Pratt – Oakwood, LLP, had requested approval of a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit <br />Development (PUD) for 177 single family residential lots and 10 outlots to be known as “Oneka <br />Place” on 117.5 acres generally located on the north end of Oneka Lake Parkway, north of 159th <br />Street. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the applications. The Parks <br />Commission recommended approval of the park dedication proposal, with two conditions added <br />to the resolutions. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved, and RESOLUTION 2018-14 <br />APPROVING PUD GENERAL PLAN FOR CPDC – PRATT – OAKWOOD, LLP, FOR <br />“ONEKA PLACE” ON PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ONEKA PARKWAY AND <br />NORTH OF 159TH STREET, and RESOLUTION 2018-15 APPROVING PRELIMINARY <br />PLAT FOR THE CPDC – PRATT – OAKWOOD, LLP, FOR “ONEKA PLACE” ON <br />PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF ONEKA PARKWAY AND NORTH OF 159TH STREET, <br />and ORDINANCE 2018-487 AMENDING CHAPTER 90 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE <br />CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LAND LOCATED NORTH OF ONEKA PARKWAY <br />AND NORTH OF 159TH STREET. <br /> <br />Developer Len Pratt and David Hemple from Westwood Engineering, spoke briefly about the <br />development explaining the houses will be a combination of products to include villa homes, <br />single family homes, and larger single family homes similar to those in Prairie Village. The <br />development is located in the Forest Lake School District, but residents will be permitted to open <br />enroll in the White Bear Lake School District. <br /> <br />Approve Authorization to Apply for a Washington County CDA Predevelopment Grant <br /> <br />Washington County CDA had provided an opportunity to apply for pre-development grants for <br />economic development. Staff had received inquiries from property owners around 165th Street <br />and Highway 61 on how/when the properties will be served by City sewer and water. There are <br />complexities with serving the properties. Staff recommended applying for a pre-development <br />grant to evaluate a number of key elements to facilitate the development of this area. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2018-16 AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF AN <br />APPLICATION FOR FUNDING FROM THE WASHINGTON COUNTY CDA <br />PREDEVELOPMENT FINANCE FUND. <br /> <br />Approve Rachel Juba as the New City Community Development Director <br /> <br />Rachel Juba was employed as a Community Development Intern from February, 2006, to <br />January, 2007, Associate Planner from January, 2007, to March, 2010, and as a Planner from <br />March, 2010, to present. City Administrator Bryan Bear recommended Rachel be promoted to fill <br />the vacant Community Development Director position at paygrade 10, step 2. <br /> <br />Weidt removed this from the Consent Agenda to talk about the work of Rachel and congratulate <br />her on the promotion.