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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for June 18,2018—Gravel Roads Workshop <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br /> Removing and replacing the poor material would cost $350,000 for the seven miles of gravel <br /> roadways. <br /> Another option was to reclaim the materials and blend in other product. He suggested reclaiming <br /> the top 10" of aggregate materials and blend in materials to meet a class five aggregate. <br /> Compaction and grading could be done by City staff. Rief recommended a test section of 1.67 <br /> mile that would cost $9,000 plus $3,000 to rent the equipment. If it worked, the remaining 5.5 <br /> miles could be done for $39,000 in 2019. <br /> The Council had questions on why there were so many fines, what roads would be done first, how <br /> to ensure it does not happen again, and why not do the entire project. <br /> Public Works Director Scott Anderson replied that he was not positive why they ended up with so <br /> many fines, but the thought was that the fines were compacted when gradation was performed, <br /> but later broke down. Rief stated that he was confident the material beneath was good. They <br /> would also be looking at reducing the dust control application rate to see how the roads perform, <br /> and additional testing could be done to ensure the supplier was providing the City proper gravel. <br /> Anderson responded to the question on completing the entire project. He stated that the roads that <br /> turn to "pudding" are good most of the time when dry. He said he was hesitant to do the entire <br /> project without testing it first, and would like to get through next spring before doing all the <br /> roads. The City had been adding sand as a temporary fix, which has helped. Scott stated that the <br /> roads have been performing fairly well with the last rains. <br /> Weidt suggested a test road be done two ways to see which is better, and Rief suggested doing a <br /> side by side analysis. The Council agreed they should do all they can. <br /> City Administrator stated he would have a recommendation prepared for Council consideration at <br /> their July 2, 2018, meeting. <br /> Adiournment <br /> Klein made motion, Haas seconded, to adjourn at 6:56 p.m. <br /> All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> 4� . )�,� <br /> Michele Lindau <br /> City Clerk <br />