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2018.07.16 CC Packet
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2018.07.16 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 2, 2018 <br />Page 7 of 8 <br />agreed with that evaluation and received a bid to replace the roof at $15,000. If the building was <br />put on the Historical Register, roof replacement would likely cost more because it would need to <br />be done in a way to preserve the historical element. <br />Initial evaluation showed it appeared eligible for listing on the Historical Register, and the next <br />step was to go through a process involving substantial additional research. The City would be <br />applying for another grant to have this done and make formal application. Staff has had <br />discussions with the Historical Commission regarding a private -public partnership, explaining <br />there may be many different arrangements. Someone occupying the building may not want it to <br />be on the Historical Register. A partnership may be a way to fund restoration, and a business <br />would attract people to any historical display in the building. <br />The Historical Commission had indicated they would like more input from other commissions <br />and recommended a committee be formed to make decisions on this topic. Bear stated the former <br />History Intern may be returning to help work on this too. <br />The Council discussed fixing the roof. The City would be spending money on something that <br />may be torn down, and could also destroy the chance of being on the Historical Register. They <br />also talked about a public/private partnership and pursuing that concurrently with applying to be <br />on the Register. <br />Haas made motion, Weidt seconded, to form a committee to proceed with a grant application to <br />be put on the Historical Register while exploring private public partnerships. <br />The Council agreed the committee work timeline needed to be aggressive because of the hole in <br />the roof, though damage had already been done. <br />Haas added that staff needed to communicate to the committee that they want action quickly. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Approval of BrokerFee Compensation Agreement <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear added to the agenda a discussion on a Broker Fee Compensation <br />Agreement for the City owned property on the east side of Highway 61. A broker had <br />approached the City and said he may have someone interested in the property. If the City sells to <br />this buyer, the broker wanted to make sure he got his fee. In the agreement, he was asking for <br />$10,000. The City would not have to sell the property to this buyer, and this buyer would not <br />have to purchase it. The City could negotiate any price it wanted and recoup this fee from the <br />buyer. <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to approve the Broker Fee Compensation Agreement. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported on the Yellow Ribbon Network activities <br />held recently. Haas showed pictures of the sandstorms in Kuwait, Norwegian soldiers reading <br />
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