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2018.07.16 CC Packet
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2018.07.16 CC Packet
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 2, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 8 <br />approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2018-19 APPROVING <br />FINDINGS OF FACT FOR REZONING FOR TGK AUTOMOTIVE AND PREMIER BANK <br />PROPERTIES LOCATED SOUTH OF 140TH STREET AND EAST OF FOREST BLVD <br />(HIGHWAY 61) and ORDINANCE 2018-488 AMENDING CHAPTER 90 (ZONING <br />ORDINANCE) OF THE CITY CODE TO CLASSIFY CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED SOUTH <br />OF 140TH STREET AND EAST OF FOREST BOULEVARD. <br />Approve Resolution Approving Site Plan for TGK Automotive at 13891 Forest Boulevard <br />North <br />TGK Automotive had requested site plan approval of an 11,270 square foot auto repair building <br />to be located at 13891 Forest Boulevard North. The property is currently zoned Neighborhood <br />Service (NS) and is approximately 3 acres in size. Previously, the site contained a blighted <br />restaurant and hotel buildings formally known as the "End Zone" that was demolished. The <br />applicant wanted to expand and relocate their business from an existing leased space at 5241 <br />130th Street in Hugo. The subject property was currently vacant and zoned Neighborhood <br />Service (NS). In order for the use to be located on the property, it needed to be rezoned to <br />General Business (C-2). The Planning Commission will consider the request at its Thursday, <br />June 28, 2018, meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2018-20 APPROVING A SITE PLAN TGK AUTOMOTIVE <br />ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 13891 FOREST BOULEVARD NORTH. <br />Approve Reduction in the Letter of Credit for Adelaide Landing <br />Adelaide Landing had significant work completed to date and the developer was requesting an <br />initial reduction in the letter of credit. The current letter of credit is in the amount of <br />$2,979,798.00. Staff had inspected the work completed to date and recommended reducing the <br />letter of credit to $700,000 based on the value of work remaining to be completed. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in the letter of credit to $700,000. <br />Approve Change Order No. 1 for Waters Edge Stormwater Reuse Proiect <br />During the construction of the water reuse system and further review of the existing system in <br />the field, eight quick couplers were needed to allow the stormwater reuse system and the HOA's <br />system to be separated easily at each of the irrigation connections. This separation using quick <br />couplers, other than the valve originally shown, is needed if the stormwater reuse system is <br />winterized before the HOA winterizes their system. Additionally, the quick connect couplers <br />ensure no water will be able to flow back into the reuse system. The additional cost identified in <br />Change Order No. 1 is $3,689.56, bringing the total construction contract to $351,589.56. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $3,689.56. <br />Approve Replacement of Seasonal Public Works Worker <br />At its May 7, 2018, meeting, Council approved the hiring of five seasonal employees for summer <br />work in the Public Works Department. One position had become vacant due to the employee's <br />health issues. Public Works Director Scott Anderson had recommended Council authorize staff <br />to hire a replacement for his position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approve the hiring of a <br />replacement of a seasonal public works worker. <br />
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