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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for July 2, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 8 <br />residence based on past experiences and the support shown by Commissioner Miron. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve entering into an agreement with the County for <br />Assessor Services. <br />Snyder clarified that the motion was made subject to minor modifications made by staff. <br />Miron clarified that the City would maintain the Local Board of Review and Equalization, and he <br />asked staff to find a way to communicate this change to the residents. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Gravel Roads Workshop <br />At the June 18, 2018 City Council Work Session on gravel roads, City Administrator Bryan <br />Bear, City Engineer Mark Erichson, Public Works Director Scott Anderson, and Michael Rief <br />(WSB Construction Services/Design-Build Group Manager) provided information related to <br />results of a roadway forensics analysis on the City's poor performing gravel roads as well as <br />providing a recommended course of action to correct these roadways. <br />Mark reviewed the history of the issue and the evaluation process and provided information on <br />what it would take to correct the issue. The aggregate structure needed cleaned up and the dust <br />management needed to be modified. Some of the slopes needed to be increased, and there <br />needed to be compaction in the blading process. Three options Mark provided were to do <br />nothing, remove and replace the poor soils, or reclaim the material and blend in more aggregate <br />to dilute the problem material. He explained the reclaiming process would be to blend the <br />appropriate Class 5 material into the top ten inches of aggregate material. This could be tested <br />on 1.67 miles including Ingersoll Avenue, 175th Street, Inwood Avenue, and 180th Street. The <br />southern 500 feet of Ingersoll could be tested with removing and replacing 4-6 inches of gravel. <br />The estimate for the project was approximately $25,000 plus City staff time and traffic control. <br />The cost to reclaim the remaining 5.5 miles in 2019 would be $36,000 plus the cost of <br />compaction rental of $3,000. Mark discussed with Council different equipment for compaction, <br />the testing for gravel specifications, and the need to balance rain events with dust control. <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, move forward with the project by authorizing staff to get <br />quotes and communicate with residents. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Update on Hopkins Schoolhouse <br />At the Historical Commission meeting on June 19, 2018, Chair Cynthia Schoonover provided the <br />Commission an update on the Hopkins Schoolhouse, and there was discussion regarding the next <br />steps. City Administrator Bryan Bear provided the Commission's recommendation to the Council <br />at their March 19th meeting. The recommendation the Council approved was to patch the hole in <br />the roof, pursue listing on the Historical Register, and evaluate a public-private partnership. <br />Bear explained that staff had since contacted a local contractor who evaluated the roof condition <br />and determined it was not repairable and needed to be replaced. The City's Building Official <br />