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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 6, 2018 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br /> <br /> <br />resident Lynette Anderson, and one more resident, yet to be determined, to the Hopkins <br />Schoolhouse Committee. <br /> <br />Klein made motion, Miron seconded, to appoint Cindy Petty, Cathy Arcand, Cynthia <br />Schoonover, Matthew Derr, Lynette Anderson, and another resident to the Hopkins Schoolhouse <br />Committee. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Weidt made motion, Klein seconded, to appoint Council Member Mike Miron to the Hopkins <br />Schoolhouse Committee. <br /> <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Concept Plan for Frenchman Lofts <br /> <br />Community Development Intern Pierre Giguere presented a concept plan submitted by MWF <br />Properties to develop a three story, 45-unit multifamily apartment complex with both surface and <br />underground parking upon an 18 acre parcel. The 18 acre parcel is located northeast of Festival <br />Foods within Frenchman Place. The development would be known as Frenchman Lofts. The site <br />contains wetland that will require a delineation. Rentals of the units range from $660 - $1200. <br />Pierre talked about the building design and the recommendation from staff to make some change <br />to comply with the City’s multi-family design guidelines. He talked about the 2030 <br />Comprehensive Plan and the development of low and moderate income housing, stating the <br />proposal met the R-5 zoning density per acre. <br /> <br />There was discussion on water reuse, and it was recommended it be incorporated into the plan if <br />possible. Council liked the underground parking and the location. <br /> <br />Chris Stokka from MWF Properties properties replied to the water reuse suggestion stating he <br />would talk to his team to see if it can happen. He stated that, as part of the development, they <br />participate in the Green Communities, and it would help as part of that. <br /> <br />There was discussion on the Section 42 Tax Credits. Stokka stated they will have a good idea in <br />the next month whether they will receive them. These credits are received from the federal <br />government if the development scores high enough by the County CDA. In return for those tax <br />credits, they cannot exceed certain income levels. <br /> <br />Stokka asked how the Council would feel about a change in the type of application to a Planned <br />Unit Development instead of a Conditional Use Permit due to the fact they had considered <br />putting a larger development there, but wetlands reduced their buildable acreage. Council agreed <br />that this type of housing was needed and indicated they would consider a change. <br /> <br />Approve Preparation of Ordinance Amendment for Alternate Commissioners <br /> <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear added this to the agenda to discuss appointing alternates to serve <br />on the City’s EDA, Planning Commission, and Parks Commission. Bear stated there was work <br />to be done to change the ordinance and likely changes to respective bylaws.