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2018.09.17 CC Packet
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2018.09.17 CC Packet
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•. 0s <br />14669 Fitzgerald Avenue North - Hugo, MN 55038 <br />Minutes <br />HUGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MIDYEAR BUDGET WORKSHOP <br />HUGO CITY HALL <br />TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6.2018 — 3 P.M. <br />Mayor Weidt called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. <br />PRESENT: Haas, Klein, Miron, Petryk, Weidt <br />ABSENT: None <br />STAFF PRESENT: City Administrator Bryan Bear, Finance Director Ron Otkin, Fire Chief <br />Kevin Colvard, Deputy Chief Jim Compton Jr., Assist Chief David Jensen, City Clerk Michele <br />Lindau <br />Ron reviewed the 2018 revenues and expenses and said he estimated a General Fund surplus of <br />$491,979. He suggested $218,476 of it be transferred to the Building Maintenance Fund. Ron <br />reviewed the budget technique of conservatively estimating revenues and the practice of <br />contingency budgeting for expenditures. He explained that this usually leads to a budget surplus, <br />and he recommended the City continue to use this technique. <br />He talked about the increase in the taxable market value to 6.5%, resulting in an increase in the <br />tax capacity of $1,103,924 for pay 2019. Ron suggested Council adopt a resolution removing the <br />last remaining parcel in the TIF District, Northern Pallet Company, which would add $86,497 to <br />the tax capacity, resulting in a 7.13% increase. <br />He reviewed the components of the 2019 proposed tax levy and explained the Debt Service Levy <br />drops considerably in 2020, and the money can be then be levied for street projects. He talked <br />about the Capital Improvement Fund and the Equipment Fund, with $1,000,000 being applied <br />towards the purchase of an aerial truck for the Fire Department. The Storm Water Levy and the <br />Park Improvement Levy would remain the same. There was no change in the employees <br />deductibles for health insurance; however, premiums increased by $56,504 due to employee age <br />and the cost of health care. He reviewed what was in the 2019 General Fund Budget, which <br />included $200,000 earmarked for flat tax rate stabilization. With fiscal disparities approaching 10 <br />percent of the total levy, the tax impact will result in a $37.63 increase for a median value home. <br />Ron concluded by saying the budget is balanced with no transfers in, and the proposed tax levy <br />keeps the urban tax rate the same. He recommended Council direct staff to prepare a preliminary <br />tax levy resolution for the September 17, 2018, in the amount of $7,083,393. The Truth in <br />Taxation hearing is scheduled for December 3, 2018. <br />Discussion on aerial truck <br />The Council discussed the purchase of an aerial truck for the Fire Department. Comments were <br />made regarding the staging issue and the number of pumper trucks available, and it made sense to <br />replace the department's aging pumper truck with an aerial truck. Safety was also a critical <br />concern because climbing buildings the way they are constructed today was not safe. Cost was <br />the biggest issue, and the Council generally agreed that it made sense to purchase a used vehicle, <br />but it needed to be a good vehicle. The Council talked about the need to form a committee, and <br />City Administrator Bryan Bear stated he will come back with a recommendation to do so. <br />
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