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G� <br />City Of Hugo <br />Electrical Inspection Services Agreement <br />This contract is made and entered into between the City Of Hugo, hereinafter <br />identified as "City" and hereinafter identified as <br />"Contractor". <br />WHEREAS, the City requires services to be provided for electrical inspection for <br />electrical permits issued in the City; and <br />WHERAS, the Contractor desires to and is capable of providing the necessary <br />services according to the terms and conditions stated herein. <br />1. TERMS <br />The terms of this Contract shall become active October 1, 2018. <br />2. CONTRACTORS OBLIGATIONS <br />General Description. The Contractor shall provide the following services: <br />a. Provide qualified personnel to perform electrical inspections within <br />two work days of notification by the electrical installer. <br />b. Enforce the Minnesota Electrical Act and Rules as adopted and <br />amended by the City and current National Electrical Code. <br />c. Submit a report of completed inspections, invoice for completed <br />electrical inspections with the completed permits. <br />d. Cooperate with the City Building Official to resolve non -complying <br />or incomplete electrical installations when the installers fail to <br />comply with acceptable standards. <br />e. Notify the electrical utility for connection or re -connection of all <br />electrical services installed, replaced or repaired for which an <br />electrical permit is required. Contractors may call in for hook-ups <br />on residential installations. <br />3. CITY'S OBLIGATIONS <br />General Descriptions. The City shall: <br />a. Receive and process electrical permits and fees in accordance to <br />its fee schedule. <br />b. Assign a permit number. <br />c. Forward a copy of the permit to the Contractor. <br />