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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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Contract Number: 19-EMWREP <br />AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br />WASHINGTON CONSERVATION DISTRICT <br />AND MEMBERS OF THE 2019-2021 <br />EAST METRO WATER RESOURCE EDUCATION PROGRAM <br />A. PARTIES <br />This Agreement is made and entered into by Washington Conservation District, hereinafter referred to as HOST, <br />and members of the East Metro Water Resource Education Program, hereinafter referred to individually as a <br />PARTNER. A PARTNER is defined as an entity that executes this agreement, and this Agreement provides for <br />the withdrawal or addition of PARTNERS to the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. Eligible <br />PARTNERS include watershed organizations and municipalities partially or wholly within Washington County. <br />B. PURPOSE <br />WHEREAS, the PARTNER and the HOST have a common objective of educating the citizens of the Twin <br />Cities east metro area about water resource, stormwater, and groundwater management in order to improve <br />water quality; and <br />WHEREAS, the PARTNER has identified a need for education assistance; and <br />WHEREAS, 8 watershed organizations in Washington County have education components in their respective <br />watershed management plans; and <br />WHEREAS, 25 communities, including multiple watersheds and the County, in Washington County are <br />required to obtain a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit from the Minnesota Pollution <br />Control Agency (MPCA), which requires nonpoint source pollution education; and <br />WHEREAS, the PARTNER agrees it is in its best interest to define its respective responsibilities and <br />obligations; and <br />WHEREAS, the PARTNER agrees that collaborative efforts are needed to more effectively and efficiently <br />deliver water resource education and meet MS4 permit education requirements; and <br />WHEREAS, the PARTNER requests assistance from the HOST to implement the policies specified in MINN. <br />STAT. §§ 103A.206; and <br />WHEREAS, the HOST is authorized to enter agreements to provide such assistance pursuant to MINN. STAT. <br />§§ 103C.331, SUBD. 3 and 7. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the PARTNER agrees as follows: <br />C. TERM OF CONTRACT <br />The term of this agreement shall be from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 unless extended or terminated <br />earlier as provided herein. <br />D. MEMBERSHIP STRUCTURE <br />In accordance to the program goals of collaboration and partnership, entities may become a PARTNER by <br />signing the Signature Page at the end of this Agreement. A new PARTNER shall apply to the HOST and sign a <br />separate contract and its signature page shall be attached to the original document. The HOST will coordinate <br />with each PARTNER, update the project budget, and distribute it to each PARTNER. <br />2019-2021 Shared Water Resource Education Program Agreement <br />
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