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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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2018.10.15 CC Packet
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EXHEBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />EAST METRO WATER RESOURCE EDUCATION PROGRAM <br />HOST responsibilities: <br />1. Hire, .employ and supervise the Water Resource Educator/s that will successfully serve the education <br />needs as prescribed herein. <br />2. Obtain financial reimbursement from each PARTNER as prescribed in this agreement. <br />3. Work in good faith to achieve the goals identified in this agreement. <br />4. Maintain a strict accounting of all financial transactions. <br />5. Develop and disseminate annual summaries of accomplishments and budgetary analysis to partners of <br />the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. <br />6. Provide office space, office furniture, computer, transportation, and phone. Equipment purchased by the <br />HOST will remain the property of the HOST following the term of this agreement. <br />PARTNER responsibilities: <br />1. Provide a single representative to the Steering Committee of the East Metro Water Resource Education <br />Program. This person shall actively participate in the Steering Committee and assist in employee <br />selection, Annual Workplan Development, and other tasks as needed. <br />2. Provide funds for the East Metro Water Resource Education Program described herein. <br />3. Provide appropriate and timely feedback to the HOST manager regarding the performance of the Water <br />Resource Educator/s. <br />4. Share equipment, staff, and educational resources to facilitate Education Program planning and <br />implementation. <br />5. As initiated by the HOST, discuss the progress of the Water Resource Educator/s and agree to take any <br />action that is appropriate to ensure the successful fulfillment of project objectives. <br />6. Work with the Water Resource Educator/s to ensure that services are being used to address high <br />priorities at the local level. <br />Water Resource Educator/s responsibilities: <br />1. Prepare, coordinate, and revise East Metro Water Resource Education Program Plan annually with the <br />Steering Committee of the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. <br />2. Review and advise watershed district PARTNERS annually on educational aspects of their watershed <br />district plans. <br />3. Develop annual plan of work with the Steering Committee of the East Metro Water Resource Education <br />Program. Workplan will reference Washington County MS4 education programs and watershed district <br />PARTNERS education plans. <br />4. Implement annual work plan, including planning, implementing, evaluating, and reporting on such <br />anticipated activities as presentations, workshops, in -field training, demonstration projects, and <br />published materials. <br />5. Pursue grants and other funding sources to enhance the East Metro Water Resource Education Program. <br />6. Coordinate with "Watershed Partners" and other entities conducting water resource education efforts to <br />minimize overlap and maximize effectiveness. <br />7. Maintain educational information for web -based East Metro Water Resource Education Program. <br />8. Presents papers as appropriate at professional meetings within Minnesota. <br />9. Prepare annual education report (which meets MS4 requirements) and conduct shared MS4 annual <br />meetings for participating East Metro Water Resource Education Program members <br />2019-2021 Shared Water Resource Education Program Agreement <br />
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