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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for October 15, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />Approve Snowmobile Trail Applications for Hugo Snowmobile Club and Rice Creek Trail <br />Association <br />The Hugo Snowmobile Club and the Rice Creek Trail Association had submitted their respective <br />Snowmobile Trail Applications for the 2018-2019 snow season. This was removed from the <br />Consent Agenda to allow Washington County Trail Association, Hugo Chapter President John <br />Udstuen to talk about the extension of the trail to businesses and their recent extension to Big <br />Marine Lake by way of the Vets Camp, which took six years to complete. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the Snowmobile Trail applications for the Hugo <br />Snowmobile Club and the Rice Creek Trail Association. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Public Hearing on Ordinance Amendment for Alternate Commission Members <br />At its August 6, 2018, meeting, City Administrator Bryan Bear discussed with Council the idea <br />of appointing alternates to serve on the City's EDA, Planning Commission, and Parks <br />Commission. Council directed staff to work on changes to the ordinance and any changes to <br />respective bylaws. Staff had discussed this with each of the commissions, prepared draft <br />ordinances and bylaws, and scheduled a public hearing this evening to take public comments on <br />these changes. <br />Community Development Director Rachel Juba provided background and explained the <br />revisions to the Parks and Planning Commission ordinances and the EDA's bylaws. It was <br />recommended Council appoint one alternate per commission for three-year terms. Alternates <br />would be expected to attend all meeting and vote when necessary. If there was a vacancy, the <br />Council could choose to appoint the alternate member. <br />Weidt opened the public hearing. After receiving no comments, Weidt closed the public hearing. <br />Klein made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve ORDINANCE 2018-489 AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 2- ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE V- BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS, <br />DIVISION 3- PARKS, RECREATION, AND OPEN SPACE COMMISSION, SECTION 2-197 <br />ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Haas made motion, Klein seconded, to approve ORDINANCE 2018-490 AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 90 — ZONING AND LAND USE, ARTICLE II — ADMINISTRATION AND <br />ENFORCEMENT, SECTION 90-31 PLANNING COMMISSION. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Appointment of Alternates to the EDA and Planning Commission <br />On July 17, 2018, Council interviewed six qualified residents for vacancies on Hugo <br />