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2018.07.02 ORD 2018-488 Rezoning for TGK Automotive
City Council
City Council Ordinances
2018 CC Ordinances
2018.07.02 ORD 2018-488 Rezoning for TGK Automotive
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/7/2018 11:31:13 AM
Creation date
12/7/2018 11:30:15 AM
City Council
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The following Legal Description is as shown on the First American Title <br />Insurance Company title commitment number NCS-897177-PHX1, dated <br />March 22, 2018: <br />All that part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, <br />Township 31, Range 21, described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of <br />the south line of said tract and the east line of State Highway No. 61, as now <br />widened to 1 1 1 feet; thence North 11 degrees 51 minutes East, along said <br />Highway line a distance of 501.4 feet to the actual point of beginning of the <br />tract to be described; thence easterly and parallel with the south line of said <br />North Half of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 400 feet; thence northerly <br />at right angles to the last course a distance of 357.26 feet; thence westerly <br />and parallel with the south line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter a <br />distance of 325.23 feet to its intersection with the east line of State Highway <br />No. 61 as now widened to 1 1 1 feet; thence South 1 1 degrees 51 minutes West <br />along said Highway line a distance of 365.0 feet to the actual point of <br />beginning. <br />(Abstract property) <br />Parcel A: <br />All that part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 31, Range 21, described as <br />follows. Commencing at the intersection of the North line of said Section 29 with the Easterly line of State trunk <br />Highway No. 61, as now widened to 111.00, sold point of intersection being 1103,76 feet East from the <br />Northwest corner of said Section 29; thence due East along the North line of said Section 29 a distance of 285.0 <br />feet; thence South at a right angle to said North lime a distance of 278,89 feet, thence West and parallel with <br />said North line a distance of $8.14 feet to the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence <br />continuing on said parallel line a distance of 285.57 feet to its intersection with the Easterly line of State Trunk <br />Highway No. 61; thence south 11 degrees 53 minutes 19 seconds West along said Easterly line a distance of <br />193.61 feet to a point on said Easterly line distant 966.4 feet Northerly, as measured along said Easterly line, <br />from its intersection with the South line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence Easterly and <br />parallel with the South line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 325,23 feet; thence <br />N ortherly at right angles to last course a distance of 159.84 feet to the actual paint of beginning, Washington <br />County, state of Minnesota. <br />Parcel S. - <br />Th at <br />:That part of the NorftWest l of the Northwest Yo of Section 29, Township 31, Renge 21, Washington County, <br />klinnesota, described as follows- <br />Cornmenelne otthe Intersection of the South line of said! tract and the East right-of-way State Trunk Highway No. <br />61 as now widened to 111 feet; thence Northerly along sold highway right-of-way line a distance of 399.23 feet <br />to the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; rbence continuing Northerly along said highway <br />right-of-way line a distance of 102.17 feet; thence East parallel to the South lire of said Northwest X of the <br />Northwest Dd a distance of 136.56 feet; thence Easterly on a straight line and its extension to a point distant <br />173.36 feet East as measured along said parallel line from the East right-of-way line of State'Trunk Highway No. <br />61 and 5.45 feet South from said parallel line for a distance of 21..68 feet; thence South on a line drawn at right <br />angles to the South line of said Northwest YA of the NGrthwest Y for a distance of 96.74 feet, thence West <br />p-araliel to the South line of said Northwest 9 of the Northwest A a distance of 17$.93 feet to the actual point of <br />beginning. <br />parteā¬ C: <br />That part of the Northwvest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section 29,'Township 31, Range 21, described as <br />follows: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said tract and the East right. of way line of state <br />Trunk Highway No. 61 and now widened to 111 feet, thence North 11 degrees 51 minutes East along said <br />
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