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Bear noted the large number of medical businesses in Hugo, which have a number of well paid employees who <br />create a daytime population. He also noted the daytime population provided by construction workers, although <br />temporary, creates a notable customer base developers should consider. <br />Denaway stated Bear's comment is an example Hugo's story that is not being told. <br />The EDA discussed frustration about the lakeside property across the street, which is failing to attract <br />development. <br />Petty stated the food trucks may have the biggest advantage, because they can serve the flexible daytime <br />consumer base, without having to build on the land. <br />Houle opened discussion about what the future of retail may be. <br />Bear stated the retail model of a big store with a lot of stuff to buy may be dying out, and retail may become <br />experience based. <br />Klein stated even if traditional model dies out, people will still be buying things, thus manufacturing will <br />remain. Klein suggested a move towards manufacturing may be a good route for development. <br />UPDATE ON RAIL LINE <br />Bear summarized the Twin Cities Business article about the short line rails. Bear discussed the high level of <br />involvement and support from the White Bear Chamber and many rural legislatures. Bear stated the support <br />came from the chamber's recognition of interdependencies between businesses connected to short line rails. <br />Bear stated the approved bond will be allocated through MNDOT and go straight to the railroad, despite <br />Hugo being listed as the recipient. <br />Weidt and Houle agreed this case sets a strong and positive precedent for the importance of short line rails in <br />preserving jobs across the state and region. <br />UPDATE ON WASHINGTON COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Bear updated Washington County's move towards branding themselves as "East Metro" rather than <br />"Washington County". He stated this is a part of a finalizing marking strategy in Washington County, <br />because "East Metro" is more relatable. <br />Bear updated Washington County will be featured in the Twin Cities Business Magazine, and told the EDA <br />there is an opportunity to advertise in the article. <br />Bear also gave an update on The Open to Business program, which will begin in July. <br />Weidt asked the EDA they are interested in advertising in the magazine. <br />Bear stated the decision is open. <br />Petty noted this may be a unique publication for the city to participate in. <br />Bear stated he expects the audience will be generally the same to previous marketing efforts. <br />Houle stated the chances of a positive return seem slim <br />Weidt stated this is an expensive opportunity, but an interesting one. <br />Klein stated participation in the ad could show Washington County Hugo is on board with its efforts, and <br />could portray the city in a positive light. <br />