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MINUTES FOR THE EDA MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 <br />Weidt called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. <br />PRESENT: Denaway, Gallivan, Houle, Klein, Petty, Puleo, Weidt <br />ABSENT: <br />STAFF: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />Rachel Juba, Community Development Director <br />Pierre Giguere, Community Development Intern <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR THE EDA MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 2018 <br />Klein made a motion, Petty seconded, to approve minutes for the EDA meeting of August <br />21, 2018. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON BR&E PROGRAM OPTIONS <br />Chris Eng introduced options for BR&E (Business Retention and Expansion) programs <br />that the City of Hugo could choose to adopt. Eng explains four points as to why the City <br />should undertake a BR&E program. A BR&E program would allow the City to <br />demonstrate support for local businesses, identify and assist in addressing any immediate <br />business concerns, establish and implement future EDA work plan action steps, and build <br />community capacity to promote business growth and economic development. <br />Eng then introduced four different BR&E programs which the City could use to <br />accomplish its economic goals. The first program is the Connecting Businesses and <br />Communities Program, performed by the University of MN Extension Services. This <br />program is the most comprehensive of the four programs and would result in a more <br />formal process and report. This program would also be the most expensive option. <br />The second program would be the City of Hugo and Washington County CDA Lead <br />Program. This program would include a business survey, the development and oversite <br />of leadership teams, and the coordination of businesses visits. HBA and EDA members <br />could also partner to help perform business visits and surveys. This option is the least <br />expensive route but is also the most time consuming program option for staff. <br />The third program would be a hybrid between the first and second programs. This third <br />option would allow a more formal and public approach to the program with increased <br />visibility, a neutral party to summarize, and less time consumption for staff. <br />The fourth program consist of informal meetings with the Mayor and staff. This option <br />would be the least time intensive and the lowest cost out of the four programs. Business <br />visits would be conducted without formal surveys or reports. <br />