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TRUNK HIGHWAY 36 AND COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 15 (MANNING AVENUE) <br />INTERCHANGE PROJECT <br />Position: <br />Washington County supports the appropriation of $15 million in state funds, to match existing federal <br />and local funds, for the Trunk Highway 36 and County State Aid Highway 15 (Manning Avenue) <br />Interchange Project. <br />Issue: <br />Washington County is leading the Trunk Highway (TH) 36 and County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 15 <br />(Manning Avenue) Interchange Project, in cooperation with the Minnesota Department of Transportation <br />(MnDOT), the Cities of Stillwater, Grant, Lake Elmo, and Oak Park Heights, and Stillwater Township. The <br />project location is the existing at -grade signalized intersection of TH 36 and Manning Avenue. As <br />Washington County has grown, traffic volumes have increased to the point where traffic demand is <br />exceeding the capacity of the intersection, resulting in safety concerns, extended periods of heavy <br />congestion, and an unacceptable level of peak hour service. The intersection's capacity constraints have <br />contributed to the growing safety issue. Between 2011 and 2015, this intersection had 56 reported <br />crashes with one fatality. Additionally, this intersection ranked 75 out of 8,000 intersections based on a <br />statewide crash cost comparison. The 2017 opening of the St. Croix Crossing Bridge improved access to <br />Washington County, the Twin Cities Metro Area and Western Wisconsin but the increased traffic volumes <br />following the opening are exacerbating the existing safety and capacity issues at the intersection. <br />The project preserves existing capacity along TH 36 by constructing an interchange at the existing <br />signalized intersection and, adding a frontage road south of TH 36. This project eliminates an at -grade <br />intersection along TH 36, and helps achieve the freeway vision of this important interregional corridor. <br />Support and Opposition: <br />MnDOT, the Metropolitan Council, the Cities of Lake Elmo, Stillwater, Oak Park Heights and the townships <br />of Grant and Stillwater support improving efficiency, mobility and safety at the intersection of TH 36 and <br />Manning Avenue. <br />Previous Consideration: <br />Washington County submitted a request for funds in the 2018 legislative session. This request was <br />not funded. <br />No Action: <br />If the proposal is not enacted the critical efficiency, mobility and safety issues associated with the TH 36 <br />and Manning Avenue intersection will continue to grow. Without a grade -separated interchange traffic <br />delays will become intolerable and traffic trying to access Manning with spill onto TH 36, risking the safety <br />of all who pass through this area. The addition of the St. Croix Crossing Bridge has already and will continue <br />to exacerbate these issues as the corridor develops into a regional gateway. If state funding is not provided <br />there is a risk of losing the federal dollars that have been granted for this project. <br />rN <br />