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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2019 <br />Page 8 of 9 <br />improvements is in the amount of $1,916,036. Staff has inspected the work completed to date <br />and recommends reducing the cash escrow by $183,000 based on the value of work remaining to <br />be completed. The remaining value of the combined cash escrow and letter of credit for the <br />improvements will be in the amount of $1,733,036. Additional cash escrow remains above and <br />beyond the amount for the improvements and is intended for inspection and engineering services, <br />etc. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction in cash escrow for the Oneka Place <br />development. <br />Approve Release of Letter of Credit for Fox Meadows <br />Fox Meadows had completed the warranty period with all necessary punch list items being <br />addressed to the satisfaction of City staff. The $147,900 letter of credit being held in place for <br />the duration of the warranty period can be fully released as outlined in the Development <br />Agreement. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the release of the Letter of Credit for Fox <br />Meadows <br />Approve Decommissioning Escrow Agreement for Fast Sun4, LLC Regarding the 165" <br />Street Solar Farm <br />At its October 1, 2018, meeting the City Council approved an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for a <br />solar farm located north of 165th Street North and west of Henna Avenue North. The IUP states <br />that that the applicant, FastSun 4, LLC, shall deposit cash in the amount of $134,267 into an <br />escrow account with the City. The escrow account would be used in the event that the City <br />would need to remove the solar farm and complete site restoration if the applicant fails to do so <br />per its decommissioning plan. If the applicant removed the solar farm per the decommissioning <br />plan, the escrow money would be reimbursed to the applicant. The agreement outlined how the <br />escrow account would be maintained and used. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />escrow agreement, subject to City Attorney review and approval. <br />Approve Hugo Fire Department Administrative Captain Job Description <br />Included in the 2019 budget was a part-time/paid on -call Administrative Captain position for the <br />Hugo Fire Department with an annual salary of $2,750. This would replace the administrative <br />lieutenant position and not create a new position. Fire Chief Kevin Colvard had created a job <br />description for this position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Administrative <br />Captain job description. <br />Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />activities held recently. There were 21 secret Santa volunteers adopting military families this <br />year. The YRN provided help through the Family Assistance Center. Eight hundred pounds of <br />care package items were sent, including blankets. Haas thanked Ship Thrifty, operated by a <br />Forest Lake family, who took care of the packing labels and forms. Coffee and hot chocolate <br />was collected by the students in Forest Lake Schools. Miron added that the students also wrote <br />notes to the soldiers. The YRN has received many care packages thanks. Haas also thanked all <br />those who donated time and money. The next Hamburger Night will be January 23rd and it will <br />be sponsored by Lake Area Bank. <br />