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2019.03.04 CC Packet
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2019 CC Packets
2019.03.04 CC Packet
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3/18/2019 10:13:51 AM
City Council
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&-,LA <br />MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT <br />INCLUSIVE OF: THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS OF WASHINGTON <br />COUNTY, MINNESOTA (will list each dept) AND THE FIRE DEPARTMENTS <br />OF ST. CROIX COUNTY, WISCONSIN (will list each dept) <br />This Agreement is made pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §471.59 and Minnesota Statutes §438.08 <br />and Wisconsin Statutes §66.0303, Subd. (2) and (3)(b) which authorize the joint and cooperative <br />exercise of powers common to contracting parties. The intent of this agreement is to make <br />equipment, personnel and other resources available to political subdivisions from other political <br />subdivisions during an emergency situation or for designated training activities. <br />Section 1. Definitions. <br />a. "Party" means apolitical subdivision. <br />b. "Requesting Official" means the person designated by a Party who is responsible <br />for requesting Assistance from other Parties. <br />C. "Requesting Party" means a party that requests assistance from other parties. <br />d. "Responding Official" means the person designated by a party who is responsible <br />to determine whether and to what extent that party should provide assistance to a <br />Requesting Party. <br />C. "Responding Party" means a party that provides assistance to a Requesting Party. <br />f. "Assistance" means Fire and/or emergency medical services personnel and <br />equipment, and any associated and related training necessary to further the <br />purpose of this Agreement. <br />Section 2. Request for assistance. <br />Whenever, in the opinion of a Requesting Official, there is a need for assistance from other <br />parties, the Requesting Official may call upon the Responding Official of any other party to <br />furnish assistance. <br />Section I Response to request. <br />Upon the request for assistance from a Requesting Party, the Responding Official may authorize <br />and direct his/her party's personnel to provide assistance to the Requesting Party. This decision <br />will be made after considering the needs of the responding party and the availability of resources. <br />Section 4. Recall of Assistance. <br />The Responding Official may at any time recall such assistance when in his or her best judgment <br />or by an order from the governing body of the Responding Party, it is considered to be in the best <br />interests of the Responding Party to do so. <br />Page] of 4 <br />
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