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e. No party to this agreement nor any officer of any Party shall be liable to any other <br />Parry or to any other person for failure of any party to furnish assistance to any <br />other party, or for recalling assistance, both as described in this agreement. <br />f. For the purposes of training, and other than Workers' compensation claims as <br />described in Section 6, the laws of the State where the training takes place will <br />control disputes based upon claims of one party against the other. <br />Section 9. Charges to the Requesting Party. <br />a. No charges will be levied by a Responding Party to this agreement for assistance <br />rendered to a Requesting Party under the terms of this agreement unless that <br />assistance continues for a period of more than 12 hours. If assistance provided <br />under this agreement continues for more than 12 hours, the Responding Party may <br />submit to the Requesting Party an itemized bill for the actual cost of any <br />assistance provided after the initial 12 hour period, including salaries, overtime, <br />materials and supplies and other necessary expenses; and the Requesting Party <br />will reimburse the party providing the assistance for that amount. <br />b. Such charges are not contingent upon the availability of federal or state <br />government funds. <br />Section 10. Duration. <br />This agreement will be in force from the date of execution and shall continue until terminated. <br />Any party may withdraw from this agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other <br />party or parties to the agreement. <br />Section 11. Amendments. <br />Any amendments to this agreement shall be in writing and signed by all parties. <br />Section 12. Agreement. <br />This agreement contains the entire agreement of the Fire Departments of Washington County <br />Minnesota and the Fire Departments of St. Croix County Wisconsin. Any prior correspondence, <br />memoranda or agreements are replaced in total by this agreement. <br />Section 13. Execution. <br />Each party hereto has read, agreed to and executed this Mutual Aid Agreement on the date <br />indicated. Each party to this agreement shall maintain a copy of an executed copy of this <br />agreement. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />