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G.5 Approve Resolution Approving Easements for 13011 Street Improvement Project <br />As previously directed, staff has developed construction plans and specifications for the <br />reconstruction of 1301h Street from Highway 61 to Goodview Avenue. As part of the design, a <br />roundabout is planned for 130th Street at Flay Avenue along with a pedestrian trail on the north <br />side of 130th Street. Easement acquisition needs have been identified in the SE and SW <br />quadrants of 130th Street and Flay Avenue to accommodate the construction of this roundabout. <br />Staff has met with the property owners and Beaver Ponds Association representatives regarding <br />the project, and they have agreed to the compensation values previously authorized by City <br />Council. The roadway is proposed to be realigned at the east end of the project to align with <br />Goodview Avenue perpendicularly creating easement needs in this location as well. Staff was <br />previously authorized to offer the land owner $17,100 dollars for the associated acquisition. <br />Staff has met with the land owner on numerous occasions and have negotiated a purchase price <br />of $25,100. Staff is recommending City Council approve the purchase price of $25,100. <br />G.6 Approve Resolution for Submission of 2040 Comprehensive Plan to Met Council <br />In 2017, the City initiated the planning process to update the 2030 Comprehensive Plan that was <br />completed in 2008. As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update, the City has held several <br />meetings with residents, Commissions, and Council to gather feedback and understand <br />community priorities and what has changed since that time. The City Council reviewed the <br />Comprehensive Plan and held a public hearing on April 4, 2018. At that time, Council approved <br />the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for distribution to affected jurisdictions and to the Metropolitan <br />Council for preliminary review. There were several jurisdictions that commented on the plan, <br />including the Met Council. Staff has made minor revisions to the plan per the comments that <br />were received. The plan is now ready for submittal to the Met Council for formal review and <br />approval. Staff recommends adoption the resolution approving the 2040 Comprehensive Plan for <br />Metropolitan Council review. <br />G.7 Approve Resolutions for Oneka Place 211 Addition Final Plat and Development <br />Agreement <br />CPDC- Pratt -Oakwood, LLP, is requesting approval of a final plat on parcels located north of <br />Oneka Parkway and 159th Street. The site is currently vacant. The City Council approved the <br />preliminary plat and PUD for Oneka Place at its May 21, 2018, meeting and a final plat for 54 <br />lots on August 8, 2018. The final plat will replat 14 lots, which were proposed to be 55 feet wide, <br />from the Oneka Place final plat to create 12 lots that are now proposed to be 65 feet wide. Staff <br />has administratively processed the approval of a PUD modification to allow the change in lot <br />size. The lots meet the minimum lot standards and requirements outlined in the regulations for <br />the Oneka Place PUD. Staff recommends approval the resolution approving the Final Plat and <br />Development Agreement for Oneka Place 2nd Addition, subject to City Attorney review and <br />approval. <br />G.8 Approve Termination of Purchase Agreement with Cozzies for City Property <br />At its September 17, 2018, meeting the City Council approved a purchase agreement with Chris <br />Cosgrove, owner of Cozzies Tavern and Grill, for the City owned property along Highway 61. <br />The project to develop the property into a restaurant did not move forward. Further, the purchase <br />agreement expired on January 25, 2019. Staff has drafted a letter to Mr. Cosgrove providing <br />