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H3. Public Hearing on Vacation of Easement for Oneka Place <br />The applicant is requesting a vacation of the existing drainage and utility easement located over <br />Outlot H and all lots contained in Block 5, Oneka Place. Outlot H and the lots will be replatted <br />for the development of Oneka Place 2nd Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be <br />placed on the lots at the time the final plat is recorded. Staff is comfortable with the applicant's <br />requests to vacate the drainage and utility easements. Staff recommends that the City Council <br />approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility easement located over Outlot H and all lots <br />contained in Block 5, Oneka Place. <br />I.1 Approve Plans and Specifications for the 130th Street Improvement Proiect and <br />Authorize Advertisement for Bids <br />Plans and specifications for the 130th Street Improvement project have been prepared as <br />previously directed by City Council. The project extends from Highway 61 east to Goodview <br />Avenue and consists of full reconstruction of the roadway with a roundabout at Flay Avenue, and <br />an 8-ft trail along the north side of 130th Street. Easements from necessary property owners have <br />been agreed upon. The bid opening will be scheduled for April 30, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. with <br />consideration of award anticipated to occur at the May 7, 2019 City Council meeting. Staff <br />recommends Council approve the resolution approving the plans and specifications for the 130th <br />Street project and authorize the advertisement for bids. <br />J.1 Discussion on Proposed Code Amendments for Residential Facilities <br />There are possible inconsistencies between the State Statute and Hugo City Code in regards to <br />residential facilities, such as the definition and zoning provisions. It is in staff s opinion that the <br />ordinance should be updated to ensure compliance with State Statute. Staff recommends the City <br />Council authorize staff to have discussions with the Ordinance Review Committee (ORC) on <br />amendments to the City Code in regards to residential facilities to become compliant with State <br />Statute. <br />L.1 Update on the Yellow Ribbon Network <br />Council Members Chuck Haas and Phil Klein will update the Council on the activities of the <br />Yellow Ribbon Network to date. <br />M.1 "Those Were The Days" Historical Commission Event on Thursday, March 14, 2019 <br />The Hugo Historical Commission will hold another "Those Were the Days" event on March 14, <br />2019, from 5:30 — 8 p.m. A similar event was held in October of 2018. The Commission will have <br />collected items on display and is inviting the public to bring in albums, photo, documents or any <br />other artifacts in. The event will be held in the Oneka Room, and the Council is invited to attend. <br />M.2 Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf Pasta Dinner on Friday, March 22, 2019 <br />The Hugo Good Neighbors Food Shelf will hold their 8th Annual Pasta Dinner on Friday, March 22, <br />2019, from 6-9 p.m. at the Hugo American Legion. This is a fundraiser to help feed over 175 <br />families per month in the Hugo, Centerville, Lino Lakes, and White Bear Lake Area. Staff <br />