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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for March 4,2019 <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br /> Approve Performance Review for Building Department Secretary Debi Close <br /> Debi Close was hired as the City's Building Department Receptionist on March 20, 2006. For <br /> the past thirteen years, Debi performed customer service duties both at the front counter and on <br /> the telephone scheduling inspections with contractors. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br /> approved the annual performance review for Building Department Receptionist Debi Close. <br /> Approve Lawful Gambling Exempt Permit for WBL Lacrosse Booster Club <br /> White Bear Lake High School Boys Lacrosse Booster Club had applied for a Lawful Gambling <br /> Exempt Permit to conduct Bingo at their fund raising event on April 14, 2019. The event will <br /> take place at the Hugo American Legion. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Lawful <br /> Gambling Exempt Permit for the WBL Lacrosse Booster Club for April 14, 2019. <br /> Approve Mutual Aid Agreement between Washington County,MN and St. Croix County, <br /> WI Fire Departments <br /> The Hugo Fire Department had requested Council approve the Mutual Aid Agreement with the <br /> Fire Departments of Washington County, MN and of St. Croix County, WI. This agreement <br /> would make equipment, personnel, and other resources available to political subdivisions from <br /> other political subdivisions during an emergency situation or for designated training activities. <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Mutual Aid Agreement inclusive of the Fire <br /> Departments of Washington County, MN and the Fire Departments of St. Croix County, WI. <br /> Approve Resolution Approving Easements for 130th Street Improvement Proiect <br /> As previously directed, staff had developed construction plans and specifications for the <br /> reconstruction of 130th Street from Highway 61 to Goodview Avenue. As part of the design, a <br /> roundabout was planned for 130th Street at Flay Avenue along with a pedestrian trail on the north <br /> side of 130th Street. Easement acquisition needs had been identified in the SE and SW quadrants <br /> of 130th Street and Flay Avenue to accommodate the construction of this roundabout. Staff had <br /> met with the property owners and Beaver Ponds Association representatives regarding the <br /> project, and they had agreed to the compensation values previously authorized by City Council. <br /> The roadway was proposed to be realigned at the east end of the project to align with Goodview <br /> Avenue perpendicularly creating easement needs in this location as well. Staff was previously <br /> authorized to offer the land owner $17,100 dollars for the associated acquisition. Staff had met <br /> with the land owner on numerous occasions and have negotiated a purchase price of$25,100. <br /> Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2019-8 AUTHORIZING <br /> NEGOTIATIONS AND/OR EMINENT DOMAIN TO AQUIRE THE PROPERTY AREAS <br /> NEEDED FOR THE 130TH STEET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. <br /> Approve Resolution for Submission of 2040 Comprehensive Plan to Met Council <br /> In 2017, the City initiated the planning process to update the 2030 Comprehensive Plan that was <br /> completed in 2008. As part of the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update, the City had held several <br /> meetings with residents, Commissions, and Council to gather feedback and understand <br /> community priorities and what had changed since the last plan update. The City Council <br /> reviewed the Comprehensive Plan at a public hearing held on April 4, 2018. At that time, <br />