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2019.04.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2019 CC Minutes
2019.04.15 CC Minutes
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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for April 15, 2019 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Haas talked about the renderings and stated it would be nice to have a more substantial area for a <br />park. He asked if there was any stormwater reuse in the project, and Rachel responded that there <br />would not be enough water on the property to accommodate water reuse. <br /> <br />Miron talked about the surrounding properties and asked what could occupy the Commercial <br />Zoning District to the south. Juba responded that it was a general business district that included a <br />lot of uses. <br /> <br />Klein talked about the height of the apartment building in relation to the heights of other buildings <br />in the area, and he didn’t seem to think that it would be out of place. He addressed the concern <br />about income and said the occupants would be workers, and an affordable place to live made <br />sense. <br /> <br />Mayor Weidt acknowledged the residents in the audience and opened the floor to allow public <br />comment. <br /> <br />Arnie Triemert, 15220 Everton Avenue North, stated he was still concerned about the water and <br />he wanted something in writing saying that if it floods, it will be taken care of. City <br />Administrator Bryan Bear said the City could provide the information to him for his review, and <br />all calculations indicated there would not be a problem. <br /> <br />John Udstuen, 15190 Everton Avenue North, thanked staff and Council for listening to what was <br />being said. He stated the developer has a responsibility to do more for the kids. He talked about <br />the ordinance not addressing the raising of grades to increase building height, and stated the <br />variance to height should not be allowed. <br /> <br />Erin Kimball, 4505 Rosemary Way, was concerned about parks and kids playing in the streets. <br />She had presented a petition to Council with 51 signatures of people who opposed the project. <br />She asked that Council consider the residents already living in the area. <br /> <br />Doug Millard, 4470 Rosemary Way, was concerned about the increased traffic on Rosemary Way <br />stating there was a tractor trailer that had been parked there causing sight issues. He also <br />commented on the height of the building and the eight-foot pad that would be built to <br />accommodate underground parking. <br /> <br />Shawna Kelsey, 4503 Rosemary Way, said she was concerned over the lower income housing <br />with single parent families, lack of a bus line nearby, and the safety of kids playing in street. <br /> <br />Catherine Clark, 4498 Rosemary Way, talked about the roundabout and how their association <br />maintains it. She said the semis from Festivals Foods are ruining it, and she was concerned about <br />the increase in traffic there. <br /> <br />There were no more comments, and Mayor Weidt closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Rachel addressed the comments about the pad and height of the building saying that all <br />developments typically need to be raised to meet groundwater separation requirements. She also <br />addressed the roundabout saying the City maintains the road and the HOA maintains the <br />landscaping. <br /> <br />
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