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Ordinance 2019-495 <br />Right-of-way and Telecommunication Ordinance <br />area, and structure it is placed on, and use design, materials, colors, textures, screening, <br />and landscaping to blend in with the natural setting and built environment. <br />(7) Where an applicant proposes to replace a wireless support structure, the City may impose <br />reasonable restocking, replacement, or relocation requirements on the replacement of such <br />structure. <br />(d) Small Wireless Facility Agreement. A small wireless facility shall only be collocated on a wireless <br />support structure owned or controlled by the City, or any other City asset in the right-of-way, after the <br />applicant has executed a small wireless facility Collocation Agreement with the City. The standard <br />collocation agreement may require payment of the following. <br />(1) Up to $150 per year for rent to collocate on the city structure; <br />(2) $25 per year for maintenance associated with the collocation; <br />(3) A monthly fee for electricity used to operate a small wireless facility, if not purchased <br />directly from a utility, at a rate of: <br />(i) $73 per radio node less than or equal to 100 maximum watts; <br />(ii) $182 per radio node over 100 maximum watts; or <br />(iii) The actual costs of electricity, if the actual costs exceed the foregoing. <br />The Collocation Agreement shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, the required small wireless facility <br />permit, provided, however, that the applicant shall not be additionally required to obtain a license or <br />franchise in order to collocate. Issuance of a small wireless facility permit does not supersede, alter or <br />affect any then -existing agreement between the City and applicant. <br />(e) Deadline for action on small wireless facilities. The City shall approve or deny a small wireless <br />facility permit application within 90 days after filing of such application. <br />(f) Consolidated applications for small wireless facilities. An applicant may file a consolidated small <br />wireless facility permit application addressing the proposed collocation of up to 15 small wireless <br />facilities, or a greater number if agreed to by the City, provided that all small wireless facilities in the <br />application. <br />(1) are located within a two-mile radius; <br />(2) consist of substantially similar equipment; and <br />(3) are to be placed on similar types of wireless support structures. <br />In rendering a decision on a consolidated permit application, the City may approve some small wireless <br />facilities and deny others, but may not use denial of one or more permits as a basis to deny all small <br />wireless facilities in the application. <br />(g) Deadline on small wireless facilities. The 90-day deadline for action on a small wireless facility <br />permit application may be tolled: <br />