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Minutes of Proceedings of theVillage Council of the <br /> <br />Bank of Hugo as official depository, and James Letourneau as <br />acting Mayor in absence of Mayor Maslowski. <br />After consultation, the following resolution was adopted with <br />reservation. <br />The Village of Hugo is interested, but being in the outlying area <br />of the Metropolitan area, it does not wish to obligate itself presently, <br />in any way. <br /> <br />LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES <br />University of Minnesota Library <br />Minneapolis 14, Minnesota <br />December 14, 1960 . <br />RESOLUTION OF WATER RESOURCES STUDY COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEE <br />CONCERNING PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL SANITARY DISTRICT <br />BE IT -RESOLVED, that it is the consensus of this subcommittee that <br />if agreement can be reached on <br />1) a plan for proportional representation on the managerial <br />board of the Sanitary District, <br />2) on an equitable plan of financing, <br />3) a reasonable and acceptable timetable, <br />4) boundaries, powers and duties of the Sanitary District, <br />then the Sanitary District should be expanded either by amendatory <br />legislation or by new legislation so as to provide sewage disposal <br />facilities for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. <br /> <br />After adoption of resolution on following page, a motion was made and seconded to <br />adjourn at 1:15am. <br />Robert E. Burkhand, Clerk <br />