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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE <br />VILLAGE OF HUGO, MINNESOTA <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the Village Council of the Village of Hugo, Minnesota, was held at <br />the Village Hall in said Village on Monday , February 6 , 1961, <br />at 8:00 o'clock P.M., with the following members present: <br />Maslowski, Letourneau, Marier, Wenzel and Burkard <br />and the following members absent: None <br />The Clerk then presented affadavits of publication of notice <br />of this meeting for the purpose of receiving construction bids for the <br />construction of a well for Waterworks Improvement No. 1960-1 in the <br />official newspaper and in the Construction Bulletin, published in Min- <br />neapolis, Minnesota. Said affadavits were examined, approved and or- <br />dered filed and the Clerk announced that he had received 8 sealed <br />bids for the construction of said work which, upon being opened, were <br />found to be as follows: <br />NAME OF BIDDER PRICE <br />Tri-State Drilling Co., Wayzata, Minnesota $ 6,275.00 <br />Mueller Bros., Gaylord, Minnesota 6,835.00 <br />Keyes Well Drilling Co., St. Paul, Minn. 6,855.50 <br />Layne -Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 6,860.00 <br />Bergerson-Caswell, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. 7,650.00 <br />A. E. Mueller, Gaylord, Minnesota 8,158.00 <br />Mead Well Drilling Co., St. Cloud, Minnesota 8,485.00 <br />McCarthy Well Co., St. Paul, Minnesota 9,035.00 <br />On motion duly made, seconded and carried, said bids were <br />tabled for reconsideration by the Council on Tuesday, February 21 at <br />8:00 o'clock P.M. <br />