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(4) It is hereby found, determined and declared that the total <br />cost of constructing 1�aterworks Improvement No. 1960-1, in- <br />cluding costs of contracts let, future contract costs, land and ease- <br />ment costs, engineering, legal and fiscal service, contingent expense <br />and $8,750 for interest during construction, is $181,242.00, of which <br />not less than $130,000 will be assessed against properties specially <br />benefited by said improvement, which assessments may be paid in ten (10) <br />equal annual installments with interest at the rate of 6/ per annum from <br />date of adoption of said assessments to December 31 of the year in which <br />the first payment is payable, to be added to the first installment, and <br />one year's interest to be added to each subsequent installment. It is <br />estimated that not less than $21,242 of said assessments will be prepaid <br />and available for construction costs. <br />(5) It is found and determined that it is necessary and expedient <br />for -the Village to borrow money and issue its general obliga- <br />tion waterworks improvement bonds in the amount of $160,000, and this <br />Council shall meet at the -time and place specified in the form of notice <br />hereinafter contained for the purpose of receiving sealed bids for and <br />awarding the sale of said bonds. The Clerk is authorized and directed. <br />-to cause notice of said meeting to be published in the official news- <br />paper and in Commercial West, published in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at <br />least once not later than -ten (10) days prior to the date of said <br />meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: <br />--5_- <br />