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Village of Hugo County of Wash Minn. <br /> <br />Motion made and seconded authorizing Civil Defense Aux. Police <br />to answer local emergencies to direct and control traffic as a training mission. <br />Motion carried. <br />Motion made and seconded that Village of Hugo sponser one local boy to <br />School ?Patrol? State Training Center, total $20.00. <br />Motion made and seconded that application of Ralph Strecher <br />for license for cigarette and beverage be passed. Total $14.00. <br />Motion carried. <br />Motion made and seconded that Shell Station be granted <br />cigarette and beverage license. Total $17.00. Ronald Birkholz owner. <br />Clerk instructed to inquire from insurance agent if a fireman <br />answering a fire call and follows truck in his own car if covered <br />by Village insurance. <br />Also under what category are C/D covered in Workmen's Comp. Ins. <br />Clerk Robert Burkhand appointed by council to work on front <br />footage report to present for hearings in September. <br />New streets named - Plat Traegers Addition Maple Street bordering <br />west side of school prop. Redwood Ct. Dead end st school pl. <br />to be changed with school. <br />No other business, meeting adjourned at 11:45pm. <br />Robert E. Burkhand, Clerk