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Agenda Number: H.1 <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />PLANNING AND ZONING <br />APPLICATION STAFF REPORT <br />TO: Bryan Bear, City Administrator <br />FROM: Rachel Juba, Community Development Director <br />SUBJECT: Hugo Ventures, LLC. Easement Vacation Public Hearing Waters Edge <br />DATE: July 31, 2019, for the City Council Meeting of August 5, 2019 <br />1. PROPOSED MOTION: <br />Move approval of the attached notice vacating the drainage and utility easements. <br />2. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: <br />The applicant is requesting vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements lying over <br />Outlot A, Waters Edge 3rd Addition. The area will be used for the development of Waters Edge <br />6th Addition. New drainage and utility easements will be placed on the lots at the time the final <br />plat is recorded. Staff is comfortable with the applicants request to vacate the drainage and utility <br />easements. <br />There are no changes being made to the Waters Edge 6th Addition development that was <br />approved by the City Council on June 3, 2019. There are no changes being made to the existing <br />stormwater management and there are no impacts to the existing wetlands with the development. <br />This request is to simply vacate the existing easements to allow new easements to be dedicated <br />with the final plat for Waters Edge 6th Addition. <br />3. RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the City Council approve the notice to vacate the drainage and utility <br />easement located over Outlot A, Waters Edge 3rd Addition. <br />Attachments: <br />1. Notice vacating drainage and utility easements <br />2. Location Map <br />3. Waters Edge 6t' Addition Plat <br />