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2019.02.04 ORD 2019-493 Stormwater Management Rules
City Council
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2019.02.04 ORD 2019-493 Stormwater Management Rules
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AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) <br />Carter Johnson, being first duly sworn, on oath states as follows: <br />1. I am the publisher of the THE CITIZEN, or the publisher's <br />designated agent. I have personal knowledge of the facts stated in <br />this Affidavit, which is made pursuant of Minnesota Statutes §331A.07 <br />The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements to constitute a <br />qualified newspaper under Minnesota law, including those requirements <br />found in Minnesota Statutes §331A.02. <br />The dates of the month and the year and day of the week upon which the <br />public notice attached was published in the newspaper are as follows: <br />Once a week, for one week, it was published on Thursday, the 24th day <br />of October, 2019. <br />4. The publisher's lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for <br />comparable space, as determined pursuant to §331A.06, is as follows: <br />a) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for <br />comparable space <br />b) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter <br />c) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 11.19/inch <br />Mortgage Foreclosure Notices. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §580.033 <br />relating to the publication of mortgage foreclosure notices: The <br />newspaper's known office of issue is located in Ramsey County. The <br />newspaper complies with the conditions described in §580.033, subd. 1, <br />clause (1) or (2). If the newspaper's known office of issue is located in <br />a county adjoining the county where the mortgaged premises or some part <br />of the mortgaged premises described in the notice are located, a substantial <br />portion of the newspaper's circulation is in the latter county. <br />FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAITH NOT. <br />BY: <br />TITLE: Carter Johnson, Publisher <br />PRESS PUBLICATIONS <br />4779 Bloom Avenue <br />White Bear Lake, MN 55110 <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 24th day of October, 2019. <br />Notary aublic <br />oy<eeerArp MYRNA L. PRESS <br />Notary Public -Minnesota <br />My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2020 <br />CITY OF HUGO <br />ORDINANCE 2019-493 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HUGO ADOPTING <br />CERTAIN RULES OF THE RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT <br />REGARDING STORM WATER MANAGEMENT <br />The City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, Minnesota, <br />does hereby ordain as follows: <br />WHEREAS, the City of Hugo is responsible for local water resource man- <br />agement and desires to adopt by reference Rice Creek Watershed District's <br />Rules regarding storm water management (Rule C), erosion and sediment <br />control (Rule D) flood plain alteration (Rule E) and wetland alteration (Rule <br />F) and any revisions or amendments thereto by the Rice Creekâ˘Watershed <br />District. <br />NOW THEREFORE, it is ordained as follows: <br />Section 1. The following rules of the Rice Creek Watershed District and <br />any amendments or revisions thereto are adopted as ordinances of the City <br />of Hugo: <br />Rule: <br />Rule C "Stormwater Management Plans" <br />(a) The City of Hugo adopts by reference the Rice Creek Watershed Dis- <br />trict Rule C regarding Stormwater Management Plans. The rules and regula- <br />tions related to the review of Stormwater management plans will be reviewed <br />by the Local Governing Unit (LGU) in accordance with the Rice Creek Wa- <br />tershed District Rule The Rice Creek Watershed District retains authority for <br />C.5(f) and the City will covey drainage system easements to the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District as required by CA 0 (b). <br />(b) Additions. The following regulations are additions to Rule C because <br />they are more restrictive than the Rice Creek Watershed District Rules. <br />(1) Rate Control. The City requires applicable new and redevelopment <br />sites to limit the 100-year 24-hour rainfall event discharge rate to less <br />than 0.1 cfs/acre. Atlas 14 rainfall data must be used to calculate this <br />value. <br />(2) Freeboard. Any new development or redevelopment within the City will <br />maintain 3 feet of freeboard between the 100-year high water elevation <br />(HWL) or 10-day snowmelt event, whichever is greater, of the near- <br />est stormwater BMP or natural waterbody and the minimum building <br />opening. If this 3-foot freeboard requirement is considered a hardship, <br />the standard could be lowered to two feet if the below conditions can <br />be met: <br />a. Provide flood storage volume within the freeboard area that is at <br />least 50% of the flood storage volume below the 100-yr HWL; and <br />b. 25% cutlet obstruction does not increase the 100-yr HWL by more <br />than 1'; and <br />c. Adequate emergency overflow (EOF) from basin to provide assur- <br />ance that 1' freeboard will be maintained for proposed low opening <br />Rule D "Erosion and Sediment Control" <br />(a) The City of Hugo adopts by reference the Rice Creek Watershed Dis- <br />trict Rule D regarding Erosion and Sediment Control. <br />(b) The application for the modification or alterations of Erosion and Sedi- <br />ment Control will be reviewed by the Local Governing Unit (LGU) in accor- <br />dance with the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule D. <br />Rule E "Floodplain Alteration" <br />(a) The City of Hugo adopts by reference the Rice Creek Watershed Dis- <br />trict Rule E regarding Floodplain Alteration. The City will convey drainage <br />system easements to the Rice Creek Watershed District as required by E.4(b). <br />(b) The application for the modification or alterations of Floodplain Altera- <br />tion will be reviewed by the Local Governing Unit (LGU) in accordance with <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule E. <br />Rule F "Wetland Alteration" <br />(a) The City of Hugo adopts by reference the Rice Creek Watershed Dis- <br />trict Rule F regarding Wetland Alteration. <br />(b) The application for the modification or alterations of Wetland Altera- <br />tion will be reviewed by the Local Governing Unit (LGU) in accordance with <br />the Rice Creek Watershed District Rule F and the Wetland Conservation Act <br />(WCA). <br />Section 2. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this <br />ordinance and the provisions in the City Code for City Water Resources Man- <br />agement Plan, the more restrictive standards prevails. <br />Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective after its passage and publica- <br />tion. <br />Section 4. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction adjudges <br />any part of this ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any <br />other provision of this ordinance not specifically included within that judgment. <br />WHEREUPON the following members voted in favor: Haas, Klein, Miron, <br />Petryk, Weidt <br />WHEREUPON the following members voted against: None <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Hugo, Wash- <br />ington County, Minnesota this 4'" day of February, 2019 <br />Tom Weidt, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />Michele Lind-, City Clerk <br />Published one time in The Citizen on October 24, 2019. <br />Misc: Affidavit-Citizen-1 Wk.docx <br />
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