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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for August 5, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for Public Works Lead Worker Mike Loeffler <br />Mike Loeffler was hired as a Maintenance Worker for the City of Hugo's Public Works <br />Department on August 5, 2002. On October 17, 2011, Mike was promoted to be the Public <br />Works Lead Worker. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review <br />for Public Works Lead Worker Mike Loeffler. <br />Approve Pay Voucher No. 4 to CB&I for Water Tower No. 4 Project <br />CB&I had submitted a pay request for work done on the Water Tower No. 4 project certified <br />through July 1, 2019. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment of Voucher No. 4 to <br />CB&I in the amount of $450,618.96 <br />Public Hearing on Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation for Waters Edge 3rd Addition <br />Hugo Ventures, LLC, 14505 43rd Ave N, Plymouth, had applied for a vacation of the existing <br />drainage and utility easements lying over Outlot A, Waters Edge 3rd Addition. Community <br />Development Director explained that the proper drainage and utility easements would be <br />dedicated with the final plat for Water's Edge 6d' Addition. There were no changes being made <br />to the existing drainage or stormwater management and no impacts to the existing wetlands for <br />the development. She recommended Council hold a public hearing to take comments on the <br />request, then approve the notice for vacation of the easement over Outlot A, Waters Edge 3rd <br />Addition. <br />Mayor Weidt opened the public hearing. Receiving no comments, Weidt closed the public <br />hearing. <br />Miron made motion, Klein seconded, to approve the notice for vacation of the easement over <br />Outlot A, Waters Edge 3rd Addition. <br />All Ayes. Motion carried. <br />Yellow Ribbon Network Report <br />Council Member Chuck Haas and Council Member Phil Klein reported to Council on the Yellow <br />Ribbon Network activities held recently. Haas talked about recent care packaging events and the <br />partnership with McGough Company. They also received care package items from Lutheran Bible <br />Camp that the campers put together. Also included were slippers hand knitted by a Korean War <br />veteran and a note that talks about him. A Special Welcome Home pheasant hunt will be done in St. <br />Cloud at Gold Meadows at the end of September. On Sunday, the Lions would be holding their golf <br />scramble, and McGough will be selling shirts to raise money for the YRN. The YRN assisted a <br />local vet cleaning up dead trees, and a member of the 133rd Air Wing with furnace repairs. The Bald <br />Eagle Sportsman Association donated proceeds from their open house equaling nearly $800. Two <br />thousand airman and their families will be attending a picnic in September, and the YRN will be <br />helping with the lunch, and Cub Foods was donating items for a spaghetti dinner. WSB was last <br />month's Burger Night sponsor and sold 203 burgers. <br />